Yesterday you threw five punches

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{Dan's POV}

"Tell your fans that you're in love with me." He bluntly answered. I froze and started to sweat. I just said that I would do anything, so what if I say no to his first and probably only suggestion.

"Phil. You know I love you and that's all that counts." I said, trying to cover up the fact that I was saying no.

"Save that crap for another day. How am I supposed to believe you when you are scared to admit to anyone that we're together. You won't even admit that we're best friends and you didn't even want to tell Chris and Pj and I think that tells me something. Especially when all I did today and everyday was show you in every way that I love you and all you want to do is push me away and you get violent and you yell and I don't like that." I could see his face turning red as if he wanted to tell but was holding it in.

"Phil. Please don't get upset about this. I'm just trying to protect you." I reached out to grab the hand that I hurt, but he pulled it back.

"Protect me from what?" He asked, now taking an intimidating stance with his arms crossed.

"I want to protect you from my subscribers. I want to make sure that you don't even see a bad word directed at you. I want to make sure that no one gets jealous of us and goes after you or me. I just want to be happy and peaceful at home." I said trying to seem open and consoling.

"Dan. I don't know what you're talking about when you use the term 'my subscribers'. I think your forgetting that you're subscribers know about me too. You are here making money from this because of me. I have been doing this since you were 15 and then I taught you how to be like me. Now you're telling me first of all that I can't deal with your subscribers and that I can't take a hate comment. I'll have you know that people call me a fag anyway and I'm fine. I think I can deal with it." His face was getting redder and redder by the minute and I can't lie, my face was getting red too.

"Phil. I'm just trying to keep everything just how it is because o think we are doing great just how we are right now. I just want to keep it without all of the conflict that could happen when coming out."

"I really hate to pop your little bubble here, but what is going on right now is not working and it needs to change quickly. I get all of that 'hide Phan' crap and I would be completely okay with it if it didn't get like this. Yeah I'm fine if you don't call my your boyfriend on camera and I understand if you don't want to kiss me while we're filming so you don't have to edit as much, but I don't get why you do this to me off camera. Yesterday you threw five plushies at me, said you hated me about three times and you still wanted me to give you a blowjob that night. Now, I don't know what you think, but I think that that's a little unfair to me. It was also unfair that when I did say no to your little request you started an argument with me when the answer was just no. If I don't want to than I don't want to and I don't care if you "really needed it" cause I really need a break. I don't want to have to yell at you and discipline you like a child to teach you how to be who you are, but respect your loved ones. I feel like I'm raising you to be an adult when that is not how this works. I'm not your guardian, you are not my guardian, I am not your mother, you are not my mother, and most of all, I am not a punching bag that you occasionally decide to have sex with. I am your boyfriend and I love you but you are making it super hard to love you." He explained, still not yelling but he was obviously mad. I couldn't even respond right away. I just swallowed hard and tried to process it all. I never knew I was doing this to him.

"I- I'm so sorry. I really am so so so sorry. I didn't know that I was doing this. I promise I will make it up to you." He pushed past me and went started towards the kitchen. I followed.

"How are you gonna do that? I already said what I wanted and you are basically telling me no." He opened the fridge and looked around for who knows what.

"I promise I will do something so nice for you that it will blow your mind. Then I'm gonna be nice to you. I won't throw as many things at you." He closed the fridge and got out a glass. "I'm not going to slap you unless you ask me to." He started running the tap and filling the glass with water. "I'm not going to yell at you." He started to gulp down the water and then refill the glass. "I'm gonna show affection more often." He gulped down that water too. "I will tell you and show you that I love you a lot more often." He put the cup in the dishwasher "I'll actually talk about my feelings with you instead of lashing out." He checked the fridge one last time. "I really want to make this all work out no matter what." He walked over the the counter to get his wallet.

"We are out of milk. I'm going to go get milk. I'll be back in like 20 minutes." He walked over to get his keys. I chased after him and grabbed his key so he couldn't leave.

"Please stay. I promise I will make thinks better. It was just then. I promise I'll grow up." I pleaded with his keys hidden behind my back.

"Dan. Give me space. I'm just going to go get milk and I'll be right back." He went to grab his keys but I kept it away from him. I can't let him leave like this.

"Dan. Stop acting like a child. If you don't want me to actually leave, let me get some freaking milk at the store." I gave up and gave him his keys because I didn't want him to actually get mad and actually yell. He made his way toward the door.

"Wait." I said and surprisingly he actually stopped. "I love you and I hope you are safe on this journey of getting milk."

"I'm only going two blocks away."

"I know. But I still want to tell you that I love you before you leave and I still hope that the journey to the store and back is simply magical." He turned to me and I smiled at him. He smiled back and silently walked out of the apartment.

What am I going to do now?


Hi everyone! I know it's been so long since I've updated this and from the long wait, you were all probably expecting something longer. It was longer but I decided to save some of it for next chapter just so I could leave you guys on a cliff hanger. Plus my writing from this point on was crap and I wanted to rewrite it.

But I have to ask everyone a HUGE FAVOR. I don't know if I have enough people reading this to really do this but I will try.

Do any of you want to be in this story?

If you do, all you have to do are these three things. (The last one is optional)

1) send me your name and a couple things about your personality along with what you want the purpose of your character to be.

2) read The Last Seven Seconds and after you're done, comment an asterisk * and your opinion.

3) tell someone about another one of my stories if you like any others. You could maybe tweet a short thing about it with #PSILSevenSeconds or something like that. It doesn't really matter.

You don't really have to do this last one but I would be completely amazing. I just really want The Last Seven Seconds to become something like this story has become something. Remember that you do not have to read the first chapter of TLSS if you don't want to think about what happens in it. I am just really proud of it and I want it to succeed and I know that you wonderful people are the only people who can really help me.

Remember this: I love you all and I hope you all are really happy today and in your long futures. Never be afraid to talk to me and never be afraid to comment on my story even if it's something strange. Know that it always makes my day. Bye loves! <3

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