What was I going to do about school?

What about college? Would I go?

What would Jordan expect of me?

Would I be supposed to cook and keep house?

Would I still be able to have a social life?

Was I going to keep working?

Where was I going to sleep?!

Sleep! Crap! Holy crap! What in the world was I going to do about that?! Surely Jordan wouldn't expect me to sleep with him, or...you know....would he? What was I getting myself into?

I jumped out of  bed and opened the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. I popped the top off of one of the bottles. I quickly swallowed two Tylenol PMs and went back to bed. I put my earbuds in my ears and turned on some music. I tried to focus on the beat of the song instead of my somewhat disturbing thoughts. Finally, when the medicine kicked in, I fell into a restless sleep.


I woke up late the next morning, and had to get ready in a rush. I only had thirty minutes to get dressed and get to school--and I would have to spend half of that time driving!

I hurried around, tossing books into my backppack. I pulled on a pair of off-brand sweatpants, and a red Hollister sweatshirt. I knew Jamie would probably have wanted me to wear one of my new outfits today, but I just didn't have the time to go through the bags and pick which one to wear. After pulling my hair into a messy bun, I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

"I'll have to skip the makeup today," I mumbled to myself. I glanced at the clock and saw that I had to leave immeadiately. I grabbed the first pair of shoes I came into contact with and slipped them on.

As I cranked up my car and backed out of the driveway, I noticed what shoes I was wearing. The pair of shoes on my floor had been a pair of black Uggs that Mrs. Hall had bought me yesterday, so that's what I had slipped on.

"Way to go Katy," I berated myself. "You look like a first class slob." Whatever. It would have to do.

I screeched to a stop as I saw the Vice Principal about to close the front door, signaling that school was starting. "Wait" I shouted at Mr. Sanders. "Wait, wait!"

He froze and turned to see he was asking him to hold the door. I must have been a sight, in my lovely outfit, slipping through the wet parking lot, and trying to keep everything from falling out of my bookbag. "Thanks!" I exclaimed, running through the door.

I glanced to my left as I continued my slippin-and-slidin' through the hallway. I saw a couple making out. "Get a room," I told them. I didn't wait to see how they would react. Instead, I opened the door to Mrs. Simms' classroom and stumbled in.

"So nice of you to join us, Miss McLaughlin," Mrs. Simms said sarcastically.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Just peachy. Not only was I running late, but my first teacher was grouchy.

I slid into the desk behind Jamie, and dropped my bag with a sigh. "You look....lovely," Jamie said with a smile.

"Thanks," I muttered. "I just couldn't get ready this morning, and everything's just haywire."

"Oh, that stinks," Jamie said sympathetically. "Well, I hate to add to your already bad morning, but Jordan is sick and can't go furniture shopping today."

I was about to reply when Mrs. Simms snapped at us. "Katy McLaughlin. You were already late this morning. Do I need to give you a detention for talking in my class?"

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now