Chapter 2

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Chapter 2



As the final bell sounded, everyone hopped up and booked it out the classroom. Can you blame them? It's Friday, the glorious end to a stressful and tiresome weekend. I made my way out the room and down the hallway to meet up with my BFF Liz. Liz has been my rock since freshman year and I honestly don't know where I'd be without her. She's always there for me and always knows what to do and say in any given situation.

"Hey girl" I sang.

"What up my sister from another mister?!" Liz answered.

We linked arms and walked to our lockers. We were lucky enough to get ours just two down from each other.

Liz had shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. She was shorter than me, but had the personality and attitude to make up for it. She'd gotten a nose stud out of rebellion against her mother'a conservative ways, but other than that, she never talked about her quarrels with her and her mom. Once at our lockers I asked if she wanted to come over to my house.

"Sorry Hun. I can't." She responded.

"Why not?"

"Two words: my mom."

I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"Ugh, what did you do this time?" I knew it had to be something she did because 9 out 10 times it's her fault.

"My mom caught me making out with Nick Hardy at the ballpark the other day. So now I'm on punishment till further notice" she said nonchalantly.

"Would you stop pissing your mom off before she sends you off to boarding school?" I asked while shoving books in my backpack.

"No ma'am. I wouldn't be doing my job then if I stopped" she said with a giggle.

I rolled my eyes at her and slammed my locker shut. We made our way out the door while talking about this intense love triangle going on between some juniors. Ahhh, junior year. It brings back memories. I loved it, but senior year is just as kick ass. Liz an I departed and I made my way to my Jeep Wrangler. You know that feeling you get when you feel like someone is watching you? That's exactly how I felt just now. Liz was already gone and no one was in the parking lot, except for some students getting high.

I took a look around and saw a black Mercedes Benz parked on the other side of the school. After staring at it for a minute, the car sped off.


I got in my Jeep, started the engine, and pulled out the spot. I tuned the radio to KISS FM and rocked out to "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I pulled into the driveway of my house and cut the engine. Before I could open the door to my house I got the someone-is-watching-you feeling again. I quickly got inside and locked the door. I heard classical music -- Johann Christian Bach to be exact -- echoing throughout the house. My dad must be home. He was roughly 6'3" and had brown hair. He was built and had a deep yet caring voice. His bright blue eyes made the women's hearts stop. That's basically he got my mom to even give h a second glance.

My mom. I really missed her. She left us three years ago. She told me it was because she just didn't love my dad anymore, but I'm not stupid. She loved my dad with all her heart. The real reason was because she was tired of the stares and the whispering and gossiping behind her back. You see, my mom was African-American. She had a medium skin tone, warm brown eyes, soft black hair, and a contagious laugh.

People always stared at her and wondered why my father loved her, let alone married her. She was beautiful and kind and always had a smile on her face. Until five years ago when we moved to this town. I could see the hurt in my parents' eyes. But as much as my dad loved my mom, we somehow knew that it may not be enough. And it wasn't.

People always looked at me funny at school because of my curly, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, full lips, and light skin tone.

Anyway, I walked into my day's study and saw home typing away at his laptop. We haven't talked much since my mom left, so he keeps himself busy with work.

"Hey dad."

"Hey baby girl. How was school?" He smiled at me.

"It was fine."

He went right back to typing.

"Oh dad. There'a this father-daughter dance in three months. Can we go?" I asked.

"I don't know, baby girl. I may have work. Work is just...."

"Oh. Umm.... Okay." I walked out of the study and ran up to my room. With my best friend on lock down and no party to attend, I decided to do homework. Yes, you read correctly. I'm doing homework.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Nicole, I'm going to the office. I won't be back till late. There are some frozen pizzas in the freezer if you get hungry." My dad called to me.

"Okay dad." I yelled back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I got hungry around 8 o'clock so I went downstairs to get the pizzas entered the kitchen and got that someone-is-watching-you feeling again. I looked out the window and saw nothing. After I put the pizza in the oven the house phone rang.

"Meriweather residence."

No response.


The line went dead.

Okay, seriously? I absolutely hate that prank. It's probably Robbie and Dylan Cunningham from down the street. I rolled my eyes and went back to my room to get my cell phone. The second I got to the top of the stairs, the lights went out. You've got to he kidding me?!?! I made it to my room and the second I touched my phone, a leather covered hand covered my mouth. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and hoisted me up. My kicking and screaming became a objective since no one could hear me. I was brought downstairs and into my living room where I saw about 15 other men loitering.

"Hello, sweetheart." One of the figures said to me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked scared out of my mind.

"Your daddy has something that belongs to me. So until I get it back," the figure leaned in real close to me, revealing emotionless dark eyes, "you're mine."

Before I could say anything, the back end of a gun made harsh contact with my head, and the world went black.


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