Mutations: ~ Chapter Fifteen ~

Beginne am Anfang

Veronica watched me too closely, I could feel her eyes drilling into me. She was stood by Two, with this oddly satisfied expression on her face. Like she had won something by taking me away from my Handler.

I knew it was her fault. No one had to say it to me, I had a gut feeling that she done something.

"You can pawn me off all you like but not to her! I don't trust her Eric!"

"And that's how I know that you will be okay."

Eric had covertly warned me not to trust Veronica. I mean, he didn't have to because I already disliked the woman, but now I had every reason to avoid her.

I tore my thoughts away from her, as I faced what was my new reality. For the first time; I was truly alone. In my eyes, I no longer had a Handler, which meant that I needed to learn how to be independent- and quickly!

My chest constricted with anxiety. How would I do that? It felt like being thrown into the deep end after only two swimming lessons. Not even a day had passed, and I was already sinking.

I was grateful when we started to move. Walking alongside everyone distracted me from what was going on in my mind, and I tried not to be envious of all the Splices who got to walk with their Handlers.

Veronica smiled at me, an invitation to walk with her. I'd rather be dragged by my hair than that. Instead, I opted to fall in step with Three, who only glanced down at me before silently walking alongside me.

The air here was cooler against my skin than it was back home. I understood why the need for the thermal clothes, and was thankful that I had then on to keep me warm. Although, my hands were cold in the air, and my face was bared to the sharp sting of the cold winds.

Although, I enjoyed earthy fragrance of nature. I had never been in a field like this. The feeling the tall grass brushing against my entire body felt strange, it was taller than me to with a thickness that would be easy to get lost in.

We all kind of fell in a formation behind Two, it felt programmed into me to do it. I didn't even notice at first. Three and Five flanked him on either side, whilst I trailed behind with my head in the air, discreetly trying to pick up even more new scents.

I'd sometimes see one of the officials speak into their small black radio that was attacked to their uniform, and then signal one and other. No words were spoken to us though.

"Where the hell is that taking us?"

Five's voice echoed, and the official escorts glowered at the sheer volume of his voice. But it got our attention, and our gazes were drawn towards the black van parked a few yards ahead of us.

I parroted Five's words in my mind, where the hell was that taking us? I couldn't get over how secretive everything felt, and I didn't even have anyone to prod for answers.

One of the official looking men was walking close by to me. His features were schooled into a stern expression, and looked like he was in his late twenties. Younger than Eric but his eyes showed experience.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, he didn't answer me and instead stared straight ahead of him, "Are you deaf, or just ignoring me?"

He suddenly blinked, and his head whipped round to face me. Hazel eyes widening before returning to normal, "Base." He answered robotically, and then faced ahead of us once more. I only arched my brows at him, "Why didn't the plane just land us outside of base?" I fired at him, wanting to hear him speak.

He sounded like a machine when he did.

"That goes against protocol." He answered like I had just asked the stupidest question known to mankind itself, and I only gawked at him.

"What's your base called?" I asked, I knew that he would soon grow annoyed of all these inquiries, but my curious nature forced them out of me.

The escort grew increasingly frustrated, and I mimicked his expression when he peered down at me, "You ask a lot of questions." He muttered in displeasure.

He looked unsure if he should answer, or not.

"I've done it all my life; old habits die hard." I shrugged and he looked like he wanted to smile at that, but he didn't.

"Six, come on." Two called, and I instantly hurried until I fell in step between him, and Three who glanced down at me.

"Look at you, acting all civil, and not attacking him." He muttered under his breath, and I rolled my eyes at him.

It was you who attacked me." I reminded him sourly, quiet enough so that no one could hear us talk. Three only scoffed at me, "Yeah, the first time." He pointed out with a smug smirk.

The oldest of the escorts looked near his late thirties, or early forties. With him, he carried a distinct aura of authority that hung heavy in the air as he marched forward with his alert eyes scanning the distance.

I enjoyed the sound of my boots crunching across the dead, now frozen, plants. The only downfall was that as the time passed, the temperature continued to drop.

There were no thoughts in my mind except one. The same one I knew was probing at everyone else's thoughts. Why was I alone? Eric said he didn't have a choice but that didn't make it easier on me, someone had a choice out there.

And they chose to separate us.

And, what did Veronica have to do with it? I wondered how Two felt about it, after all, it was his Handler. I wouldn't have been too pleased if I was made to share Eric with someone.

But really, who suddenly decided that it would be in our best interests, to separate me from the one person I've had all my life? Eric was the only human I've ever trusted, and they let him leave me.

After living in such a precisely controlled environment, with not so much as a single mistake being made, I casually wondered if they had just made their first. The thought worried me.

The only mistake they had made before was that day I lost my temper, and succumbed to a rage unlike any other. I could still remember the thick stench of fear that thickened the room.

Yes, no matter how badly this went, they would still have a stain on their flawless record.

"Everyone in the van." The older officer boomed in that voice that vibrated with power. It was the kind of commanding voice that could only belong in the military, "Anytime today."

My experience with vans thus so far hadn't been great, so my twinge of reluctance to clamber in made sense to me. I think we all hesitated a little before everyone grew annoyed at how long it was taking us.

Two looked back, and held out a hand to help me to climb in. It was gesture that Eric would have done for me, and I found myself frowning as I took it. He arched one of his strong brows at me in question, and I shrugged.

"You're not alone, you know." My shoulders nearly dislocated themselves when the warmth of Two's breath ran down the side of my neck. I had never been close to another male before, it wasn't horrible. There was a ghost of a smile on Two's kind face, as his gaze measured my expression, "As long as I'm here, you'll never be alone, Six."




So, the attachment at the top is of Aaron Taylor Johnson, another person who I think would strongly resemble Two. I mentioned him in an early chapter, I also said that another person who Two looked close to was Joshua Brand.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!

- EmbracingYou

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