38- twins- mike imagine

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Request: for lukeybabe26 - you're Mona's twin sister and mike develops a crush on you.

A/N: wow I got really into this... I also haven't checked over it so sorry for any spelling mistakes. I know he doesn't exactly develop a crush in this but when I read the request, this is what was in my head x

Being you as well as being Mona's twin sister was difficult.

When you were younger you used to be bullied by a girl named Alison. You and Mona were very similar. You were interested in the same things and had the same level of intelligence, but you supposed it was because you were her twin.

You both hated Alison with a passion, she would walk down the hallway with her group of puppets and she would shove, you aside, as if you didn't deserve to even walk down the corridor. She made fun of you for being smart. She made fun of what you wore. She did a lot more to you than anyone thought. She made your life hell and you wanted nothing more than to escape from the high school from hell, but your mother refused.

Mona tried to be her friend, although you didn't know why. You supposed she wanted to be in that group. But you didn't. In fact, as soon as you decided you didn't care about them, you were happy. You had friends and people you could trust, even though you still had to put up with her, you weren't suffocating anymore.

When she went missing you thought it was a blessing. Of course she had gotten what she always wanted; attention. She was all over the news, there were posters all around town. It was like she was famous and she would've loved it. You often wondered if she had done it for attention, you wouldn't put it past her.

But now that she was gone, your life changed drastically. You were no longer classed as 'nerdy y/n'. You became popular. With Mona and Hanna by your side, you climbed the social ladder. You were still the brainy person in class but you were no longer ashamed for being it. Things improved for Alison's puppets too. It was as if the strings had been cut; they could do whatever they wanted without fear of judgement.

Then you found out Alison was dead. You felt bad for her, she may have been a horrible person but she was young and didn't deserve to die. Of course Mona didn't share the same feelings. She was glad that she was gone forever. It was only after Alison's funeral that she revealed her best kept secret. She told you Alison was actually alive. You couldn't believe it. Then the liars started getting texts from A and you instantly knew it was Alison. You grew closer with them all, especially Hanna as you were friends before. Mona didn't like how they all grew so close again, you included. So occasionally you got an A text as well.

When Mona was exposed as A your life grew even more difficult. You felt betrayed and shocked that your own sister would do something like this. To her own best friend. To you. She was sent to Radley and although you missed her company, you knew she belonged there after what she had done; you wanted her to get better.

Going back to school after that scandal was horrible. You would walk through the corridors, sit in class and work. All the while keeping your head down and your mouth shut. Everyone suspected you had something to do with it. That you knew and even helped Mona, after all you were twins. You lost your friendship with the liars and became completely alone. No one wanted to talk to you. It was like they were scared or embarrassed, you couldn't tell the difference.

One day at lunch time, you went outside, sitting on the grass on the field. It was quieter than in the canteen and you received a lot less judgemental looks. You never ate from the canteen. During your first week back after Mona was revealed, your lunch always ended up all over you.

So you reached into your bag, pulling out a container full of pasta; leftovers from the night before.

"What are you doing out here alone?" a voice asked from behind you. It was mike. He was a star lacrosse player and pretty popular. You wondered what he was doing here with you. That was until he reached down, picking up the ball that had clearly rolled over to where you were sat.

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