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"I never in a million years imagined that I'd be in the predicament I'm in. Just a few years ago I thought that I had my life planned out, and I knew for certain this wasn't it".

He listened while I spoke, but I knew he wanted to say something. Nothing he said could change the way I was feeling at the moment.

"You don't appreciate shit, not even the people that'll go to the moon and beyond for you. What more do you think I can accept. What the fuck do you think I am, a fucking statue?"

"Don't fucking tell me what I appreciate, don't talk to me like that Kennedy".

"It's the fucking truth, and you know it. That's why you don't want to let me talk, you're afraid to hear the truth".

I stepped back and looked him in the eyes, letting him know I was serious.

"I fucking hate you so much, I hate that I ever talked to you, I hate that I ever gave you my number, I hate I confided in you, I just hate you".

As the words came out I knew they weren't true. I quickly regretted what I was saying, but I knew it was too late.

A part of me felt like he deserved it though, maybe it would help him realize how bad he'd hurt me. He roughly pushed me onto the wall, and he hovered over me. His 6'0 ft stood tall over my 5'3 ft frame.

"Take that shit back, say you don't mean it Kennedy. You don't mean that shit".

A few tears slid down my cheek, but I wasn't giving in. I wanted him to feel how I felt. I trusted him and he betrayed me. He knew everything that I'd been through and he forgot about it, and put me through it all again.

"I hate you Aubrey, and I mean it".

He nodded his head, but it wasn't a normal nod. He looked like he wanted to kill me and I've never seen him look that way before.

He was always so charming, but I could tell he was hurt by my words. His eyes were dark and his face had began to turn red.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you never want to see me again, and I'll go. I'll be out of your life forever. I just need to hear you say that you're done, and I'll be done".

I hesitated, I couldn't do it even though I wanted to. I couldn't find the way to form those words.

"Say you fucking hate me, and that you never want to do it again! You can't fucking do it"!

"I'm done Aubrey, I can't do this anymore".

When those came out my mouth the area was in complete silence. He looked at me for reassurance, but I couldn't look at him. I couldn't let him see my tears, and I couldn't let him see how weak I was.

Am I just a fool?
Blind and stupid for loving you
Am I just a silly girl?
So young and naíve to think you were the one who came to take claim of this heart
Cold-hearted, shame you'll remain just a frame in the dark

Am I queen of fools?
Wrapped up in lies and foolish jewels
What do I see in you?
Maybe I'm addicted to all the things you do
'Cause I keep thinking you were the one who came to take claim of this heart
Cold-hearted, shame you'll remain just a frame in the dark


This story will be amazing, and something that I'll work very hard on. DO NOT correct any situation because some things are fictional.

Somethings are true, but with a twist.

If You're Reading This.. I'm so excited that I've published this story.

I've had many failed attempts at typing a Nicki story, but this one is it.

Enjoy... VOTE & COMMENT!

[Complete] Now & Forever: Drake and Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now