I smile at his message. I put my phone back in my clutch and apply perfume, a little bit of pink lipstick with clear lip gloss. 

I go downstairs and i hear a knock at the door and i jump. My heart starts to race. My palms start to get sweaty and shaky. Since the whole Carson attack last time, I've put in 1 security camera hidden in the bushes. 

I mose back upstairs and i look at the tape.

Its Carson. 

I pull my  phone out and dial 911 but Carson leaves. I continue to dial 911 and they finally answer.

*911 whats your emergency?*

*Hi my name is Hannah Joe. Carson Matthews is at my house right now and he came to my locker at school a couple of days ago saying he was going to finish what he started. He tried to rape me last time. Please you have to hurry!* i basically yell into the phone. 

*Okay. Police are on the way right now....* i don't hear her finish because i hear a door open. 

My heart and breathing both stop at once. I keep the phone held up to my ear but i can't hear her talking. I walk out a little just enough to see downstairs. The back door is open wide and no sign of Carson. I try to speak but can't. My phone is then ripped from my hand an i feel a cold, sharp blade go against my throat. Tugging at my hair makes me not move.

"Make one noise and you're dead. You hear me?!" i hear him whisper in my ear. I shiver from his harsh words. He throws my phone onto the ground and stomps his foot on the screen so its for sure broken now. 

"Now, since we are finally alone, i can finally do what I've been wanting to do for so long." he says and takes the knife away from my throat but throws me into my room by my hair. I fall to the floor from tripping over my heels. They are latched on so i can't take them off. Oh boy.

He climbs on top of me and keeps the knife up to my neck while talking.

"You selfish little bitch. I try to give you an amazing experience and you blow me off. That isn't the slutty Hannah i know!" he says placing his hips on top of mine, also placing his feet on my shin so i can't fight my way free with my legs.

"Get off of me now Carson!" i scream and he puts the knife to my arm.

"Not until i get what i want!" he tells me in a calm voice. He glides the knife down my right arm, making my skin begin to split. He does this all the way from my wrist to my shoulder. I scream from the pain he is causing me. 

He stops when i begin to scream even louder than before and puts the knife to my lips.

"Now Hannah, the louder you scream for me, the worse its going to get" he screams the last part and my eyes go wide. This is it.

He forces the knife into my hand through the floor. I scream from the wicked pain. I can't move. He lifts himself off of me but lifts my dress up and i can feel his cold hands going up my legs. He unlatches my shoes and throws them across my bedroom. His hands continue the travel up to my hips, yanking my panties down. I feel the coldness from his touch. I am crying by this point, from my arm, my hand, to being touched by the one boy i don't want to be.

He places his mouth on my leg and begins to lick my outer thigh. His hand goes beneath me and grips my bum. Hard and rough, not like Harry. When Harry does this, his a soft squeeze. 

He moves his hand in between my thighs and i begin to realize how I'm stuck, the cops aren't here yet, Harry isn't here yet. I'm stuck. I am hopeless now.

His fingers begin to travel to both of my hips, over my center, but the slides his fingers right in between my thighs once again. I feel the coldness of his touch, yet the heat from his breath. His other hand come up and grips onto my boob. I am still crying from my hand, but mostly from the pain. 

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