Sang's POV

"Pookie, please wake up." I hear from a distance.

A cold cloth is placed on my forehead and I feel my eyes flutter before I open them to see Sean, Kota, and Victor bending over me. Looking into their eyes I can see that they are concerned, and Victor even had some tears in his eyes.

"My prince, what's the matter?" I ask him while sitting up. Looking around I can see that the bookcase on the wall near the door is broke, as is the door to my room. What on earth happened here? When I look down I can see my top is ruined, like someone tried to rip it from my body. I can feel my cheek is warm and it stings a little. I try to smooth the sting away. It hurts and tears leaks from my eyes. Then it all comes back to me, how far did they go?

"Pookie, are you ok?" Sean asks me, while sitting down next to me. Shaking, I nod my head.

"I think so. What happened?"

"You don't remember Princess?" Victor asks me, looking shocked.

"I remember coming home to the party, bumping into some guy, walking upstairs before I laid down to read. Then I must have fell asleep because I woke up when three guys came into the room. They said some horrible things and they slapped me. That's the last thing I remember. Do you know what happened after that?"

All three of them took a deep breath, and shared a look before exhaling. Now they looked less tense, and Kota started telling me that the guy I bumped into heard my screams, and kicked in the door right as one of the boys raised his hand to slap me again. His name was Thor, and he managed to wrestle with them all, knocking them unconscious. Owen had run into the room right as he was laying me onto the bed and was putting the duvet over me. He had misinterpreted Thor's actions and threw him off of me, into the wall and the bookcase. Then the other boys came and Owen had given orders before disappearing.

I sit there, thinking of how this evening started, the silly argument with Owen, and how it's ended. I actually feel fine, except my cheek, that is. But I can only guess how Owen must be feeling; blaming himself for all of this.

"Yes, Pookie. He is blaming himself. He left so fast that he didn't even get the information that the boys didn't get to do something other than slapping you and ripping your top."

I realize that I must have talked out loud again.

"Princess, you are doing it." Victor said, chuckling at me and making me giggle.

"Ten, my perfect Ten, are you sure you're okay? You know how the others reacted to the info we got from the boys, they are right downstairs waiting for you."

I was okay, but I didn't know how to convince them about this. I wasn't sure why I was okay with this, and not lying in my bed under the covers, my body shaking and my teeth chattering. That would be a normal reaction, and probably how I would have reacted before. But now, deep down inside me, I know one of them will come for me. They make me feel safe. I decide to tell them this, hoping to make them feel special, to calm down, especially my three bears, North, Silas and Nathan.

"Come on, let's go downstairs and I can tell all of you." I say to all of them, and they nod their agreement.

"Go ahead of us boys, I am just going to make sure that everything is okay with Pookie." When the boys leave, Sean walks into my closet and finds new clothes for me. He makes me change into the yoga pants and one of Silas's sweaters. He sits down next to me, takes my hand and looks me over. I can see that he is just making 100% sure I am alright. I can also tell that there is something he wants to tell me.

"Sean, is there anything you would like to tell me?"


"Sean, I'm fine, nothing happened."

"Nothing happened?!" he yells, and stood up and paced in circles on the floor. "Nothing happened? I told Victor to install cameras here in your house, so we can check up on you and feel like we have some control."

"Is it me you need control over?" I ask him.

"No, sweetie. It's if something like this ever happens, if Marie is having a party later we will know about it much sooner and do something about it."

I stand up and walk over to him, placing my hands on his cheeks and looking into his eyes. I raise my feet at the same time I pull his head down to me into a kiss. I try to show him through the kiss how good I am feeling, and how much I care about him. And I guess he takes the hint, because I hear growling.

"As much as I love to kiss you, we must stop. You are not ready to go further and I don't trust myself anymore. Come on Pookie, let's talk to the boys. And then we have to find Owen." He says, making me blush.

"Yeah, we should probably wait with going further." I say, taking his hand and walking downstairs.

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