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I was up i remember that john was grounded and couldn't come out of his room it was breakfast me John and my sisters went down stairs to eat our breakfast it was French toast and waffles it was good I went back upstairs with john and sat on the top bunk just to chill "whats up?" i looked at John "the roof and the sky and the clouds" he just laughed "oh that good" he sat beside me and leaned in me he fell asleep I moved and he fell on the pillow head first I went downstairs and saw Julianna sad "w-whats wrong?" "Nothing just the snow its melting so that means my snowmen are going to melt to and I don't want that I love my snowmen and snow angels" she hugged me tight "aww sis its okay it will be back another year then we can do it again" I smiled she just nodded "lets to and play with the rest of the snow thats there then" she grabbed my hand and ran outside it wasn't that cold out it was warm I sat on the steps outside and watched her playing and making tiny snowmen she threw a snowball at me I laughed "fine lets have a snowball fight then only one okay" "okay sis" I threw a snowball we had a good match Julianna won it was fun to act like a little kid again, we went back inside for a little bit then she all the rest of snow melted she was disappointed but then she remembered that it would be back jewels didn't mind the snow melting she just sat on the bed and chilled and watched the snow melt so she didn't really care about it "why does thing come and go Julia?" "Well jewels things cant live or stay forever sometimes people and things have to go because the i time is up and someday mine and you're time will be up to" "oh okay but when will I know my time is up?" "You will learn that someday your to young to know right now" she just nodded "okay" I walked to my room and sat in the top bunk and chilled john was still asleep i drift off to sleep to for a little bit.
Time skip
"Julia kids its time for supper" I woke up john was up playing with mittens I laughed come on john lets go I jumped off my top bunk which was a stupid idea i ever had and almost broke my leg I landed a funny way but I was okay john was so scared we ate then john took my diary again and read it he didn't show no motion this time he just gave it back to me and nodded "man that was awesome" "yeah I guess it was kinda boring day today" "not really it was an awesome day today Julia" "well thats because you slept through the day kind of" he nodded yep "and I'm going to do it again" he went back to sleep I did to tomorrow is going to be boring again.

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