Uh no

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I woke up beside my kitten and john I loved both of them so I was happy i fed my kitten, my parents went somewhere i don't know where they didn't say so I fed my sisters to, john didn't wake up till I woke him up he woke up "sorry Julia I didn't mean to sleep in I promised to help you" he went to frown but I stopped him "don't be happy please smile for me" he smiled "okay fine but I will help now" I fed him to and, we watched a movie with my sisters and my cat it was a comedy for my sisters then I heard a knock on my door I opened it and to my surprise it was shadow "get out of here right now shadow!" I kinda yelled to loud cause john came to the door and took one look at shadow and punched him "get out if here you piece of shit" john closed the door I was to shocked to move I felt bad I was trying to be nice and make him leave, then my parents home and opened the door they told me and my sisters to go upstairs we did I kinda didn't I was listening to the conversation "john how dare you punch a poor innocent boy we didn't raise a kid like that after those three came to live with us you've been acting different if you keep acting like this than those three kids will go to an orphanage and find a different home got it!" dad yelled "yes dad" "now go upstairs your grounded and don't go near Julia you two will be separated until you will be ungrounded!" "but dad please shes the same age and I want to talk to someone so I'm not lonely please dad" john begged I knew he hated to be alone "fine you two wont be separate but stay away from the other two then now go upstairs and stay in room only come down when its time to eat or go to school and once you come home from school you go straight to you're room got it!" "y-yes dad" john came upstairs i ran to his room I was on my top of my bunk bed, "j-Julia c-can you come d-d-down please?" I came down and hugged him so tight, he tried to smile "I never got in trouble before I hate it" "it's okay john its okay" I hugged him we talked and played with my kitten I stayed with him like I was grounded it was boring but it worth it I let him read my diary here and there after I was done some lines he just smiled and laughed "I love this diary of yours I want one" I smiled we can share this one" he smiled so big "yay" I laughed "your such a little kid john i love you" he smiled "love you to" he drift off to sleep I just sat there and played with his hoodie strings and his hair i finally drift too sleep I didn't think of anything this time which was strange but I did once I got up.

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