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I woke up beside john its been a long week and finally it was Christmas I woke up John he looked at me and smiled "morning Julia" "morning john its Christmas lets go" I pulled on his arm he noticed I wasn't wearing my hoodie when we got downstairs i never showed mom and dad my hair or eyes my sisters showed them their hair and eyes they loved their hair and eyes "don't worry Julia here" he gave me his sweater I loved it and ran to the living room like a little kid mom and dad smiled "morning mom, dad, Julianna, and jewels" "hey sis" "morning sweetheart" john smiled he didn't get notice cause his hoodie was off but he didn't care we opened our presents I got a special present I got a kitten soon me and John ran to our room "what should we call it john?" "Umm I don't know I never had a pet before so I'm not really good with names" "how about mittens" it was a black cat but all his paws were white "that is such a good name you are good with names Julia" "thanks john" "this will be you're kitten to okay" "okay thanks again your the best" "is it a girl or a boy Julia?" "Its a girl John so you call it she and her okay" "okay Julia thats easy to remember" I nodded and smiled we played with our kitten we had lots of fun playing with her then she fell asleep we went downstairs to have a family dinner it was so good and awesome me john and my sisters went upstairs and played some games then we heard the choir we listened they were very awesome singers my sisters went to their room for a bit and played with their toys I was being fat and eating my candy and chocolate I took some of johns chocolate he didn't mind he just smiled at me I took some of my sisters I got in trouble for that but it was worth it john cheered me up and threw and chocolate at me "I saved that for you just in case you ate it all even though you did I knew you would so I saved it for you so you wouldn't be sad about eating all you're candy and mine" he smiled at me I was so happy I hugged him "thanks john you are the best" "kids come downstairs and watch a movie with us" "okay mom coming" we went downstairs and watched some movies "sis can you come in our room again please" Julianna asked me I nodded "of course" I held on to john he followed me we again fell asleep with my sisters I showed john my diary again he laughed at some parts he kissed me goodnight and went to sleep I fell asleep after I was tired it was a busy day, mittens came in the room and fell asleep between me and john I smiled and fell asleep thinking I hope that tomorrow will be awesome like today.

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