The fight

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I went to school on the bus again with john and my sisters "I cant wait for school what are you going to do at school today sis?" Julianna asked behind my seat with jewels I just shrugged "you're sister is not in a good mood today I'm sorry" john said smiling beside me "why are you smiling bro?" Jewels asked "because I love to smile I don't like frowning it isn't good to be sad" my sisters nodded "that is true" we got to school finally "bye you two be good okay" "okay sis!" They ran off the bus and ran all the way to their class seeing who was faster I walked with john my hood my hiding my eyes I wasn't really watching were I was going and banged into shadow i coved my face more when I saw him he just smirked and slapped me "hey don't you fucking touch her you bastard!" I turned and saw john he was mad i never saw him mad "oh yeah and what are you going to do hero~" shadow teased I just sat there and hid my face more "this" before shadow could say or do anything he was on the ground bleeding john kept beating him up till other people started to fight john but john tried his best to fight them off but there was to many finally john just gave up I just sat there and cried watching my brother get beat up for me i finally had courage and punched shadow to the ground everyone was shocked and backed away from john he just smiled "go Julia~" he was always smiling I just laughed "come on you big retard lets go to class" we did he was bleeding and bruised when we got home I wrote everything in my diary again and let him read it he then frowned I looked at him and when he frowned I really wanted to cry "j-john whats wrong?" "N-nothing just I got in a fight and I promised myself to never get into fights but I lied to myself" he started to cry I hugged him "its okay john its okay you never meant to it was for me to protect someone you love so you didn't break a promise okay" he then smiled and kissed me "your so smart I love you" i then felt weird no one ever said they loved me for a long time "I love you to john" he smiled and hugged me "thank you for believing me and helping me an-" I interrupted him by kissing his cheek "shut up you're welcome" my sisters saw and giggled "get out!" They just laughed and ran as fast as they could john had to calm me down I fell asleep I woke up later cause I needed to finish my diary day its been long day and I hope tomorrow will be shorter and no more fights but it happens there's nothing I could do I was happy my sisters didn't see if they did they would be so scared of school forever john took my diary book from me "get to bed please" he smiled and kiss my forehead "okay goodnight" then I went back to sleep and thinking what will happen tomorrow.

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