Scary fun day

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"Sis are we there yet" jewels was tired we've been walking for a day without stopping and we were trying to find somewhere to nap or sleep and eat to "again we are not there yet stop asking!" I yelled she just fell and slept I got really scared and shook her she woke up Julianna laughed I smacked Julianna across the head "don't laugh she could've maybe died right there grow up" Julianna just helped jewels up to her feet "thanks" Julianna just smiled "sorry for laughing I thought you tripped and fell" she said scratching the back if her head "its okay" i nodded jewels was very quiet me and Julianna talked a lot "look a meadow, can we go lay down in it and sleep" I looked very scared and wasn't sure "o-okay sure" they went running we fell asleep I woke up from a gunshot "what the fuck" I got up and saw Julianna gone "Julianna where the fuck are you!" jewels woke up from me yelling she got very worried when she didn't see Julianna laying down beside me I got up and started to look everywhere "Julianna!" "Julianna!" Then I saw some light red hair "Julianna!" She turned around and smiled and I saw she was berry picking she had tones of berries me jewels and Julianna finally ate after a day without eating we were eating I was happy yet mad at her for running away "sorry for that I was hungry and didn't want to wake you guys up" she smiled that innocent smile that can get away with anything "its okay just don't fucking do that again" she nodded "I wont" we went back to the meadow and went back to sleep we woke up the next morning to walk and find a happy home to live we were walking for a long time while we were Julianna went and found berries me and jewels didn't want because we were full and didn't want to eat anything we were watching Julianna very closely just in case something happened to her so we watched nothing happened she ate more so she was good we kept on walking she was happy that she was eating berries she loves Berries like me and jewels we are almost like triplets but different but we are really a like while walking we notice some strange clouds and it was weird till we say a funnel cloud then it turned into a tornado "sis its a tornado what do we do" I looked around and saw a ditch "go in the ditch now!" I yelled but was still in a nice voice they did what I said I was in the middle jewels hid her face in my hoodie Julianna was on her back watching 'I was very scared for being 13 I was scared a lot because I been through a lot i thought when I was 18 it would be bad but I guess I was wrong' I was snapped out of my thoughts again when I heard a very loud noise I jumped jewels fell asleep with her face in my hoodie I smiled I looked at Julianna she was smiling that innocent smile again I looked at what she was smiling at and before I could look the tornado came over us I screamed Julianna laughed we fell asleep in The ditch after that its going to be a long day tomorrow I thought.

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