The diary

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I woke up in johns arms again I blushed to see he was playing with hair I forgot I had my hoodie off I looked at him and to see he had my hoodie on hiding his face I giggled and took my hoodie off of him he just smiled at me "hey what are you writing in all the time?" "Oh thats my diary i write everything what happened today and everything" i answered him he took the diary and read everything from First Day to a Real Home he was sad that I got abused a lot and bullied but he was glad that I am okay, my sisters came in the room and started singing "john and Julia sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g~" "shut up get out of our room!" I pushed them out and closed the door john just sat there and blushed I just sat by the door and sighed I felt so embarrassed about what just happened john didn't really care about what happened "so want to go have breakfast or you going to stay here" I looked at him and laughed "lets go eat" "okay lets" he grabbed my hoodie and put it on me then he grabbed my hand and ran downstairs "Julia I'm going to take you're sisters to the park want to come?" Mom asked I looked at john "no were going to stay here" john smiled I nodded "okay then see you two later then bye" they left I put down my hoodie I was so happy that my sisters were gone I went back to my diary to write down what just happened john smiled "why do you always write in that thing?" "I don't know I just do maybe because I like to remember things and think about what I could've done different" john nodded and kissed my cheek "you are very smart Julia" I nodded "thanks" "you're welcome Julia" there was a knock on the door I put down my diary for a bit and put my hoodie up then opened the door and saw shadow "hey Julia whats up" "oh hey shadow nothing much I'm just with my brother john" i smiled john came by the door "hi!? Im john Julia's brother" "hi I'm Julia's bo-" he's my boy best friend!" "Oh okay" "Julia I want to speak to you outside right now!" Shadow kinda yelled "okay" john closed the door behind us when I went outside to talk to shadow "Julia I'm you're boyfriend why are you lying to you're brother i don't like this" "I'm sorry" "well don't be because were done don't come near me or talk to me ever again!" "Oh okay" I ran inside crying I wrote in my diary what happened john of course read it I was in my room crying my sisters came back late they were in their room playing so they didn't hear my sobs I kept crying I was so lost I just lost my boyfriend, john came and put down my diary beside me then he hugged me again I don't know why but I kissed him on the lips he was shocked but kissed back after that I felt so embarrassed he didn't I guess he likes me to i fell asleep in his arms I loved sleeping in his arm I felt safe I love him so much but he was my brother I feel so wrong doing this but he's not my real brother i don't know I will think about this tomorrow.

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