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We all woke up in the ditch I looked beside me my sisters were playing I got up and when I did Julianna vomit and she started coughing I got scared "Julianna are you okay" stupid question but I still asked "y-yeah im fine its just vomit thats all" she said smiling that innocent smile again "okay well let's go and walk for a bit and try to find fresh river water and some nice berries or something" I said they all nodded we were walking and Julianna then again vomit 'I got worried now i knew that Julianna wasn't better what should I give her what should I do we never get sick we are healthy thats why ugh what to do ma- "Julia stop daydreaming" "sorry I was thinking how to get you better" she nodded "o-okay thanks" we started walking when I saw an apple tree we sat and ate some apples because there was noting to do and we were bored we sat there and talked about what to do with Julianna and how to make her better oh how I wish mom and dad never died we would be home right now and Julianna wouldn't be sick I wanted to cry I missed being home and I missed being with shadow Julianna missed jake but ever single good thing that happens to us then turn out to be bad things I sit there thinking.
Julianna's pov
I sat there beside an apple tree I didn't feel good when I woke up I vomit a lot since I woke up I told Julia I was fine and there was nothing wrong with me I feel bad for lying no one likes liars I thought I stopped thinking when I vomit again jewels looked at me "why are you sick sis" she asked "I don't know maybe when I ate those berries or when the tornado past or I'm just sick some people do get sick and its not always their fault it just happens" I answered "oh okay I hope you get better soon and I hope it doesn't get worse" she smiled "thanks" she nodded I guess for a no problem I got up and got an apple for me Julia and her and I vomit again not in the apples though thank god.
Julia's pov
I was snapped out of my thoughts again Julianna handed me and jewels another apple I thanked her before she gave the apples to us she vomit again not on the apples though thank god I guess she was thinking the same thing as me I smiled she just laughed after eating like a few apples we used our hoodies to carry some apples for the trip Julianna finally got better and wasn't vomiting anymore which she was happy about so trip went good with no vomiting "are you all better now sis" jewels asked "yeah and I am so happy I hate being sick it sucks" we all laughed and found another ditch and fell asleep with the apples beside us tomorrow will be a another day I hope someday it will be different as I watched my sisters sleep I fell a sleep after.

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