Mutations: ~Chapter Seven ~

Start from the beginning

Three was the perfect subject for me to unleash all my binded rage on, and I wasn't strong enough to hold back this time. Even as he threw me to the ground, and grabbed the front of my top so hard that the fabric was torn through, all he did was draw the confidence for me to hurt him out of its shell.

Blood oozed from my split lip, and dripped down my chin with a sting, that felt like a tickle compared to the feeling of my ribs cracking against his bloodied fist.

I wasn't the only one leaking though. Thick, irony blood pooled from the gash hidden in Three's evenly shaped brow, and a scrape against his left cheek bone left a crimson trail down his peachy skin.

"Stop!" He suddenly growled, throwing me to the ground, like I was a rag doll, "Don't move!"

If I'm being totally honest, I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to, but I wasn't going to give him the sweet satisfaction of knowing that. So, instead I was more than happy to let my achy body go limp underneath him.

Whilst the big oaf loomed over me, his eyes seemed to travel across my features but then focus just above my head, instead of on my face.

His hands kept my hands pinned above my head as he leaned down towards my head, and inhaled deeply before moving towards the crook of my neck, and he sat back with an inquisitive twinkle in his odd eyes.

His strong fingers that were wrapped around my wrist loosened. One hand snaked around to the back of my neck, and his thumb brushed over the soft skin of my identification code.

"You have the same one." I commented, remembering seeing the flash of black stained numbers against sun kissed skin, "Why are we fighting each other when we're the same...breed?"

His brow wrinkled at my choice of words, "Animal instinct." He muttered, suddenly shoving himself off me, and back into his feet, "What do they call you here?" He demanded icily.

"What are you blind?" I muttered, dryly. I sprang back onto my feet, taking a couple of steps back to expand the distance between us.

Unexpectedly, his body tensed and a low rumbling growl escaped him. Three stormed towards me with anger bruising his handsome features, but since he didn't mean it in a violent manner, I stayed still.

I was shocked at his sudden outburst as he loomed over me with his strange eyes settled on something on my face. As soon as I peered into them, I realized the reason behind his being so touchy to my comment.

Guilt crashed into me, and I mentally slapped myself repeatedly for not realizing it sooner.

"As a matter of fact, I am." He grounded out between gritted teeth, "Now what is your name, girl."

Wringing my fingers tightly together, I briefly thought about lying and giving him a false name but I didn't want to take advantage of his...disability, "Six." I stated boldly, feeling more at ease as he reeled away from me, but not by much.

"You're the youngest." He declared in an instant, and his stance changed a little as he digested this information.

My face twisted into a glower at this and I gave him a hard shove that he seemed unaffected by, "I'm the newest!" I snapped haughtily, letting it sink in for him. I was three versions better than he was.

"I'm Three." He claimed as he began to move once again, "How the hell did you find me anyway?"

Taking his talking to me as an invitation for me to follow him, I began to walk at a safe distance from him, "Are you kidding? I smelled you from miles back there." I exclaimed giving him a confused look, "How else would you have known that I was approaching? You sensed me quicker than time."

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