Chapter 18

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I woke up to sunlight beaming through the windows. I tilted my head to see the clock. 11:30! Wow, it was so late. I could feel Gary's warm breath against my neck as he lay wrapped around me. I didn't want to move in case I woke him so instead I just turned myself around so I was facing him. Slowly one of his eyes twitched open, followed by the other.

"Morning handsome," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Good morning," he yawned with his gorgeous morning voice seeping through. "What time is it?"

"11:35." I sat up in the bed and grabbed the towel that was hanging from the wardrobe.

"Wow, we slept a long time." I'd wrapped myself in the towel and headed for the door.

"We didn't really sleep though did we?" I winked at him as he smirked in reply.

"Hold on... do you really need to wear that towel?" He looked me up and down and grinned.

"Yes Gary it's part.... oh oops I dropped it." I let go of the towel so he could admire my naked self.

"Now that's more like it... hold on, come here." I picked up the towel and walked to him as he had a serious tone in his voice. "What's this?" He pressed his finger along the deep scar across my stomach.

"It's just a scar Gary that's all." I pulled the towel up over myself, but was still delighted to see the naked Gary Barlow.

"No Eve!" He gently grabbed my hips and lowered my down to his lap. "Tell me the truth." This was something else I never told anyone. We sat in silence for a while.

"Josh... when I was pregnant... well he waa drunk... he thoughtI would have a girl.... of course he hated the idea-"

"Don't tell me there was a knife involved." I just sat for a moment and then nodded. I didn't cry over it because I couldn't really remember the pain. "Oh Eve I'm-"

"Don't ever tell anyone!" I stoked my hands up and down his bare legs.

"I promise you... I won't!"

"Good, now are we showing or not?" I stood up and put my hand out to help him up.

"After sex shower, I like the idea." He winked and followed behind me. Luckily we had an ensuite so no one would know. By the time we'd finished it was around 12:30, which involved getting dressed as well. We headed down to the kitchen where his mum was sitting reading the paper.

"Someone slept well," she exlaimed, looking at the clock.

"Yeah, forgot how comfy the beds were." Gary said as he hunted around for his wallet.

"I bet, did you also forget how loud they were?" She said this so calmly as she read her newspaper. I looked at Gary who too had gone red.

"Mum I'm taking Eve out for lunch down in the village if that's ok?" He kissed his mum's cheek as though he were a little boy again.

"Yes that's probably best, Val's coming round for some tea and then your brother wants some help with some decorating later so yeah go for it! Have a nice."

"Thank you," I answered, still embarrassed. It was mid December and somehow I failed to pack an appropriate coat for the weather, so Gary gave me his thick grey one and he borrowed his dad's.

"It's only a mile or so down the road! Walk?"

"Yeah okay, would be nice to see the area." He looked down smiling at me and grabbed my hand as we began to walk.

"You do look amazing in my clothes I must admit." He smirked at me.

'i would say the same to you Barlow but that would just be weird."

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