I opened the door and there was Courtney and Robert.

"Hey so wheres this mystery guy?" I Asked her

"welll this is him!" she said pointing at Robert.

"EW your dating Robert? Gross!"

"Well thanks love you too Kaylei" Robert said walking in.

"Sorry this was just unexpected... AUSTIN GET YOUR LAZY BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!!!" I yelled at Austin that was getting a shirt on.

"Ok ok mom I'm coming," he said sarcasticaly "Hey bro whats up? Hey courtney wheres this mystery guy you were talking about" He said bro hugging Robert and Hugging Courtney.

"Hehe well you just Bro hugged him so I guess you both know him considering Kaylei just yelled gross when I told her and said his name: She laughed at our reactions.

"My baby is just faith-full thats all" He said hugging me

"Get off I'm still mad at you" I said pushing Austins arm off of me and grabbing Courtneys arm "come on I have to talk to you"

I pulled her into the kitchen "Ok so whats up?" She asked me.

"You know how I got a call from Big Machine Records?"

"Yeah" she said

"Well I called Evan the manager and he wants to fly me out to him in 3 days and I don't know how to tell Austin I just know he'll be so hurt" I said so fast in one breath

"Wow ok... well thats great for you! but what does this mean for you and Austin..." She asked and she brought up the one thing that I was avoiding all this time...

"I don't know I mean I love him but it-"

"Heyyyy girls whatcha guys talking about in here?" Robert asked walking over to Courtney and kissing her cheek they are really cute

"Nothing just about you and Austin... where is he by the way?" I asked Robert realizing he didn't come in with Robert

"Oh he uh he um went uh to uh go get subway!" He said I could tell he was lying but I didn't feel like figuring it out right now so I just shrugged it off.

"Oook well do you guys want to go swimming? You can borrow one of my swim suits and Austin has A couple here so I don't think he'll mind if you use one" I said and Courtneys face lit up, she loves swimming.

"YES OF COURSE COME ON ROBBY!' she said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the kitchen towards the stairs I just laughed and walked upstairs.

"Austins stuff is in the guest room down the hall" I said to Robert he already knew where it was cause hes been here many times.

"Ok so do you have a red one" Courtney asked me

"YES are you kidding I have like three I think you forget that my favorite color is red" I laughed pulling out a plain red bikini and a red and white striped one. I gave her the all red one though cause the red and white one was my favorite.

I went into my bathroom as she changed in my room. Ya we may be cousins and all and I might be changing into a bikini but I'm very self conscious about my body.

"Ok you ready?" I aksed Courtney walking out of the bathroom and I looked up to see her and Robert making out "EW ok not on my bed guys and I'll meet you guys at the pool" I said grabbing a towel and sunblock and heading down stairs.

I get outside and I plop down on one of the lawn chairs and start putting the sunblock on. I got to my back and I could'nt get it all the way on and Courtney and Robert were still upstairs doing who knows what.

"Need some help?"Austin aksed scaring the crap out of me

"Don't do that you scared me and yes" I said putting my head down and moving my hair from my back.

"Sorry babe, hand me the sun block" I handed it to him and he started rubbing it on my back It felt really good and he was massaging my back too. Gosh he really knew how to touch me.

"MMM Austin that feels good." I didn't realize how close he was until he whispered it my ear touching my ear with his lips giving me chills down my back.

"You know what would feel better?" he was still massaging me.

"What?" I asked Then he started to kiss my neck.

"You and me... the beach... sand in between our toes.... eating strawberries" He kept kissing my neck and he was hugging me from behind
now. I turned around and he stopped kissing my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"that sounds... amazing" I smiled at him and kissed him and he pulled back

"Happy three month anniversary babe" He said before kissing me then reaching into his pocket looking for something. I totally forgot what today was... I feel so bad I didn't get him anything. Then it hit me, I'll take him to the secret spot the one that I was gonna show him before I got hit by a car and stuff. Perfect itll be like I planed it all along

He finally found what he was looking for and told me to close my eyes. Of course I did and he put something around my neck it was cold and I could tell it was a necklace. He told me to open and look and when I did I found a beautiful necklace that says love with white diamonds. /in the comments).

"Oh my gosh Austin its so beautiful!" I said literally leaping into his arms. "I love you Mahone" I said into his neck then I kissed his neck to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"I love you too Stone" He said before kissing me on the lips. "I'll be right back I'm going to got get a swimsuit on ok babe?"

"Ok just hurry back" I winked at him. He laughed and then left.

I really do love him hes really great and sweet and this necklace was amazing and must of cost him a fortune. I'm so lucky to have him ahhh why do I love him so much it kind of even hurts. I felt a tear slip down my cheek then another... and another.... and I was full out crying. I was there for a couple of minutes just crying then Austin came back.

"Kaylei are you ok whats wrong?!" Austin asked running to me I kind of laughed at him as I was whipping my tears "Whats funny?" he asked.

"I'm happy and so glad to have you you are so great and I really don't deserve you and I'm so sorry for everything."

"Baby what are you talking about I love you and only want to be with you why are you sorry?" Its now or never right i asked myself.

"I have to go to L.A. in 3 days and I'm sorry I didn't tell you already. I was scared of what you were gonna say" I started crying again but this time I was upset.

"Its ok shhhh" He said pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back his warm arms wrapped around me feel safe. "Its ok im not mad im just gonna miss you but hey we can make the most out of these three days... Smile even though your heart is aching smile even though its breaking." He sang the line from smile by Natalie Cole.

Of course he has a great voice and I laughed at him. He whipped my tears from my face. "Ok well then lets go get Robert and Courtney and go swimming!" I said getting up and grabbing his hand.

"Oh yeah they're sleeping on your bed sorry I forgot to tell you." He laughed

"Oh well thats even better" I said then winked at him and Jumped into the pool.

We swam for a couple of hours then we got out and just layed in the grass he had me wrapped in his arms and legs... yes he had his legs wrapped around me haha... we were just staring at the sky talking and laughing. We kissed a few times and the night was great. I never showed him the place though oh well until next time I guess. I fell asleep in his arms peacefully I'm so lucky to have him.

He's not just anyone...

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