Chapter 27

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Song Of The Chapter: Don't Forget By Demi Lavato


"Austin Carter stop!" I yelled at Austin because he was tickling in my neck the only place I'm ticklish...

"No you have to say it first." He laughed.

"FINE! Austin Carter Mahone is the hottest sweetest and sexiest boyfriend ever and I love him!" I screamed almost falling off the hospital bed.

"Good now kiss me!" He said lunging towards me I kissed him then got off the bed. "Where are you going now???" He asked

"We'll for one I'm hungry and two you're getting to excited..." I said going to the door.

"Ugh you sound that stupid mean old nurse." He said

"She's only here to help Austy now ill be right back." I smiled at him then walked out of the room going to the cafeteria and to get some tapioca pudding considering that's the only edible thing here to eat.

Michele had to go back to work and the crew had to go to school Taylor's been bringing me my homework but today Robert is and Courtney decided to move in with me so she doesn't have to leave Robert and me along with the rest of the crew we've all became such close friends...

Evan flew out the other day and I went in to the studio and recorded a little bit of a new song I'm working on.

I went back to the room and Austin was in the bathroom so I just laid on the bed the nurses brought in the room for me and turned on the tv.

He was taking a while and to be honest I was worried...

"Austin are you ok?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah but uh... I um... Can't get up..." He said

"Do you need help? Old man" I laughed

"I'm 16 thank you very much and uh yeah but I uh don't have my boxers pulled up..." I laughed

"It's ok Austin I think you forget I volunteered at my grandmas work I've seen plenty of dingalings in my days"

"Fine but there's a difference between an old man and your boyfriends."

I walked in and there he was on the floor.. Ok this is more awkward then I thought it would be but I have to do it. I walked over to him and put my hands under his arms and lifted him up onto his feet.

"Babe?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said

"Can you uh... Pull my boxers up please I don't wanna fall again?" Oh gosh I probably got so red right then.

"Yeah no problem" I got down and pulled them up and slapped his butt. "Next time please wait for me to get back?" I laughed.

"Promise! I'm sorry I love you and all but yeah that was awkward..." I laughed and nodded then helped him to his bed as I was helping him on his bed the nurse came in and just watched me... And shes the one with the medical degree -.-

"Have you ever considered being a nurse when you grow up?" She asked walking over to Austin's IV tubes

"No I'm a singer but if that doesn't work out I want to be a special needs therapist though..." I said

"You do realize that you just helped dumby over here like a nurse is supposed to right?" She asked. I laughed at Austin's ':O' face.

"Yes I do but I used to help my grandma give the elderly baths and feed them as well as distributing their medicine... I mean she put it in the cups and under their name and I gave them it" I said.

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