Chapter 38

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Song Of The Chapter: Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammar


"But you gotta keep your head up oh oh, never let your head down ey ey" I sang comin out of the bathroom drying my hair.

"Hey" Austin said sitting up.

"Hi" I smiled at him then walked into the kitchen "ain't about the uh cha-Chang cha-Chang ain't about the yeah bla-bling bla-bling" I said Austin came storming ingot he kitchen "what's up with you?" I asked

"Me? Hm let's see, you have a boyfriend???" He said

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"This!" He showed me my phone and a guy named joes contact was up.

I looked at the screen and backed up a bit to get a better look. "And what is this?"

"Well you boyfriend just called and said that he misses his boo wants to see you tonight!" He yelled

I thought about it for a second then I started laughing. "Why are you laughing?!?!" He yelled

I collected my self and wiped a tear that came out. "Joe is an old friend of mine and my brothers, we used to be really close and he called me cutesie names like that" I said

"Oh... I feel dumb" Austin said

"You are dumb," I said Austin looked up at me a glared "for thinking that I'd EVER cheat on you." I said slipping my arms around his waist and kissing him.

"Sorry it's just Evan called me yesturday and said that things are getting worse with the whole Nicolette thing" he sighed

"It's alright baby ok? I'm here I ain't goin nowhere so it spent matter what she says well get through this together, I love you! Rember that Austin.... Kaystin forever babe." He cried a little on my shoulder and said I'm right that it only matters that i believe him.

"I love how you always know what to say." He smiled and kissed me.

"I'm tired I'm going to take a nap" I said yawning Austin nodded then kissed me.

I laid down and quickly went into a deep sleep.

"Morning" Austin said smiling down at me as I woke up. I smiled back at him and kissed him on the lips.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked

"Pretty good," he said sighing "but I couldn't fall asleep for a while when I got home" he said he didn't come home from the studio till after 12.

"I'm sorry baby want me to go make you breakfast?" I asked him. His eyes lit up and he shook his head. He loves my pancakes!

"Please? Chocolate chip banana pancakes!" He exclaimed. I nodded and got out of bed.

I was only in one if his shirts and some underwear that were longer then some girls' shorts so I slid on a pair of Austin's basketballs shorts "You're so cute" Austin said

"Thank you" I smiled at him and left the room. I went downstairs and saw our little boy and girl watching T.V. Austin Maxwell Mahone and Michele Marsing Mahone. They're twins.

"Mommy were huuunry" Lil Austin whined.

"I know baby I'm making breakfast is chocolate chip banana pancakes ok?"I asked

"Oh yes friken please!" Michele sing the little part of Austin's song 'Subway Song'

I laughed and made then pancakes. "Michele, lil' Austin come here." I whispered calling them over. They walked over to me " I want you two to go up to mine and daddy's room and tackle daddy and tickle him too! Then tell him it's time for breakfast ok?" I asked they smiled wide and tip-toed upstairs. I heard them laughing an then Austin yell "AH MY KIDS ARE KILLING ME!"

Shortly after he came running down the stairs laughing with Michele and Lil' Austin on his sides and set them down and ran up to me and put me over his shoulder. I laughed and hit him on the back. He set me down and kissed me smiling into it. "Ew!" Lil' Austin and Michele said. Me and Austin pulled away and smiled at them.

"Let's eat!" I said getting out 4 plates. Austin grabbed the pancakes and Michele grabbed forks while Lil' Austin grabbed peanut butter and syrup.

I love my family. I thought then sat down.

Then I woke up really happy with my dream.

"Hey babe?" Austin asked slowly coming into the room.

"Yeah?" I said stretching

"Can you come with me to go get some pizza?" He asked

"Sure boo just give me a second ok?"

"Yeah sure ill be downstairs" he said then left the room

I got up and got dressed and grabbed my phone and went downstairs and saw joe "Joe!" I exclaimed hugging him

"Hey kiddo how's it goin?" He asked

"Good how've you been?" I asked

"Good I'm married now!" He exclaimed

"Cool! I'm getting married to this butt nugget right here" I said looking at austin.

"I know, that's great!" He said

"Yeah it is, were going out for pizza would you like to come?" I asked

"No I just wanted to say hi but ill see you later boo" he said then kissed my cheek.

"Bye" I said hugging him then we all went outside Austin. Opened the door for me and then shut it once I got in running over to the drivers sode. He started the car and grabbed my hand "I love you" he said

"I love you too"


Sorry it's so short it's just it's been a while since I've updated and I have writers block I promise next one will be longer :* love you


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