Chapter 24

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Songs Of The Chapter: Home By Nickelback, Home by Phillip Phillips,


Ahhh finally home... Don't get me wrong it was a great two weeks in L.A. but I missed my mom and Ethan and Taylor and Sarah as well as Alex and Tyler... Plus the rest of my family.

Austin, Evan and I decided that tour will start in 1 month maily Evan and the company though our first stop is in my hometown Meridian Idaho! I'm excited to see some of my old friends.

Austin and I are really good now after that misunderstanding but he kind of got pissed off when we went to the mall and the guy from hollister that carried me to the car was flirting with me but I helped him get over it.

Suprisingly though I haven't talked to Austin in 3 days he shouldn't be mad I didn't do anything hmmm maybe I should go over there. Yeah I'll go over there! Suprise tiiime!

"Hey Ethan I'm going over to Austins ok?" I asked.


"Because I haven't seen or talked to my boyfriend in 3 days and I miss him..." I said

"Fine be back at 7" He scoffed... Yeah he has some weird problem with Austin I don't get it but he has to get over it cause I love him.

*At Austins*

"Hey sweetie how are you its been a while?" Michele pulled me into a hug.

'I've been ok my sides getting better and yeah I know I'm sorry I've been caught up in my family sorry." I said

"Its ok but you know you're welcome here anytime right?" She asked stepping to the side so I could come in.

"Yeah I know thanks Michele is Austin in his room?"

"Oh no hes in the basement go on down" She said I nodded and smiled at her and walked down the stairs.

Awww he's asleep on the couch how cute! Sounds like to me its time to wake up AustyPoo.

I snuck over to the couch. He's gonna hate me hehe I love him he's so cute.

"WATCHA DOIN?????" I asked jumping onto to Austin he instantly woke up and started swinging. THEEEEN he punched me -.- "Ow dick face!" I screamed getting off of him. I grabbed my face and it was bleeding great... Note the sarcasm. He was still waking up though.


"YOU HAPPEND!" I screamed going up the stairs. I went into where michele was sitting there crap...

"Honey are you ok what happend?"

"Austin punched me'' I said walking over to the frezzer to get ice.

"What do you mean he punched you"

"He punched me thats all there is to it." Then Austin came into the kitchen I glared at him then michele came out from behind me and slapped him. I couldn't help but laugh

"What was that for?!?!" He was pissed.

"YOU PUNCHED KAYLEI YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE DAD ISN'T HERE YOU'D BE 6 FEET UNDER RIGHT NOW!!!" She said thats when I went serious shes never talked about Carter before. We all went silent. Austin looked at me and then looked down.

"I know it was an accident honest I apologize to both of you. Kaylei I'm sorry you just scared me and I really didn't mean to"

"Mom I'm sorry to you for getting mad at you I promise I would never in a million years ever again hurt another woman ecspecially Kaylei. I love you both of you" He said before kissing his mom on the cheek she was still standing infront of me though.

"Its ok I love you too" She said and she went upstairs.

"Baby I'm so sorry"

"Shut up and come here" I said hugging him he immediatley sighed and hugged back "I love you" I said into his chest. Gosh he smells good.

"Love you too. Now wheres my kiss" He has a smirk on his face I could just hear it. I looked up and kissed him.

 "Ok can you go get some peroxide and advil for this" I laughed. He shook his head and left out of the room. I looked at my phone and it was 5:30 I have to leave soon cause I want to go to Taylors house for a little bit.

"Here you go babe you want me to clean it?" I nodded and grabbed his leg and squeezed it when he dabbed it on "Does it hurt?" I nodded my head yes "I'm so sorry I did this I didn't mean to honestly."

"I know I believe you." He nodded "I'd kiss you but um yeah I don't think you'll like the taste of peroxide." I laugehd

"Yeah that doesn't taste to good." I nodded and put the ice back on my lip. For about 30 minutes we just talked and laughed.

"well I have to go Ethan wants me home soon"

"Ok baby well If I don't call you later I love you and goodnight." He said

"Love you too thanks for the ice and the advil" I laughed.

"your welcome bye"

"Bye" I said then I kissed him and left.

I walked the rest of the way to Taylors house but no one answerd so I just walked home.

"Ethan I'm home!" I yelled but to see that he was right there infront of me oops.

"OH MY GOSH WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR LIP?!?" He asked shoot I forgot about that.

"Oh I uh... fell yeah I was walking and I fell."

"NO you didn't what happened?" He asked I could tell he was pissed and that I was going to piss him off more.

"OK fine I didn't fall I went over to Austins and-"



"so he cheated on you like thats any better?!?!"

"No it was some fan that was outside his house and she started calling my sutff so I took a swing and she got one open shot and thats how this happend" I lied I wasn't proud but he'd kick Austins butt and I wouldn't be able to see him ever again if he knew what really happened.

"Oh who won" He asked hugging me I laughed

"Who do you think me of course." I said.

"You wanna hang out tonight just me and you one on brotherly sisterly love?" I laughed and nodded.

Tonight was going to be a gooish night!

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