Chapter 33

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Song of the Chapter:


I woke up to my phone ringing in my pocket. I grabbed it and waited for my eyes to adjust it was hannah. I haven't talked to her in a while!

"HANNAH! oh my gosh it's been forever how you been?" I asked

"Pretty good, I'm pregnant now though and Giovanni left me..." She said

"I'm sorry baby I'm here for you I love you ok?" I said

"I heard your in San antonio?" She said

"Yeah I'm at my cousins! Where are you?" I asked

"At the Hampton hotel down town do you think you could come over tonight?" She asked

"Of course let me just write it down so I don't forget what room?" I asked laughing.

"Room 642 on the 6th floor" she said

"Ok I better go make breakfast... I love you see you tonight muah!" I said making a kissing noise in the phone.

"Love you too by muah!" she said then I hung up smiling really biggly.

When I stepped out of the room I tripped on something and I laughed once I realized it was Austin.

"sorry" I said laughing.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"I should be asking you that question" I said

"Yeah Im fine, but are you ok with this whole Sarah and Hailey thing?" He asked

"Well I'm going to talk to Sarah but really... Hailey just has been really mean lately and so I'm going to let her have a few days." I said

"Ok well are you going to make breakfast I'm starved?!" He said excitedly

"Yes well actually do you want to go to Dennys I haven't been there in forever!" I said

"Yeah sure!" He said pulling me up and back into the room.

I got dressed and so did Austin, Courtney and Robert were still asleep so I let them be. Austin and I then left.


"Courtney, sweety get up I made you breakfast." I heard Robert say in a sing-song voice. I opened my eyes and in fact, there was Robert holding a tray. I stretched and sat up smiling at him.

"You didn't have to do this." I said as he was sitting it down on my lap and kissed me.

"I know but I wanted to." He said walking to his side of the bed and sitting down.

"Thank you... I love you Robert." I said

"I love you to Courtney" He said then he kissed me again. Then I ate my toast that was, really burnt and my soggy ceral... its the thought that counts though right? I thought. "It terrible isn't it?" He asked

"No just uh... um... I'm sorry" I said laughing a little "But thanks for trying" I smiled at him.

"Your welcome do you want to go make pancakes?" HE asked his eyes lighting up.

"Sure if you help me" I said winking at him.

"Oh but of course ma-lady." He said grabbing my hand.

We walked down stairs and we got out the stuff to make the pancakes.

"Robby can you get more pancake batter? I put to much water in here." I said

"sure" He went into the cupboard to get some more and I scopped a little of the the batter on a spoon wating for him to come out.

"Here you go" He said walking towards me. I quickly flung it at him getting on his face. "Oh its on Stone" He said grinning at me scooping some onto his finger and putting some on my face.

"I don't think so Villanueva" I said sticking my whole hand in it whipping it on his bare chest.

"nuhuh" He said walking towards me as I was backing up, with the bowl in his hand ready to throw it on me.

"Robert no!" I said as he dumped some onto my head.

"you see now we don't have any batter and I don't about you but I want to get all of this off. How about we go take a shower." He said winking at me. I bit down on my lip and led him to the master bedroom that has a huge shower. Taking off my clothes and him taking of his. Once I was done he picked me up kissing me and bringing me into the shower and turning on the water. Letting the warm liquid go down my back as we were passionatley making out. He stopped kissing my lips and went for my neck. The sudden change making me moan slightly. He smirked into my neck and set my down moving back to my lips.

He grabbed my shampoo and put some on his hands then rubbed it threw my hair. Getting all the pancake batter out of my hair. Then lathering my Almond scented conditioner threw my hair as well. When he was done I reached for the lofa and body wash rubbing it in. Then washing the batter off his chest and face. Rubbing the little bit off my face too.

When I was done I shut off the water leading him to our bed and letting things go far... Really far, but it wasn't our first time so I enjoyed it.

He's Not Just Anyone


Last night once I heard what I heard I raced home. Then threw myself onto my bed, pissed but crying my eyes out, yes I believe Sarah but no... I don't forgive her. Shortly after she came home too not coming to the room but she went to the guest room.

"Sarah?" I said walking into the guest room.

She was sitting up knees to her chest and tears still streaming down her face. I'm just going to do it.

"I forgive you... I understand it was a mistake but I still love you and I can't deny that." I said and she looked up at me and hopped out of bed and into my arms mumbling "I'm sorry" multiple times.

"Its ok just don't do it again please?" I said pulling back. She nodded intensly and kissed her with alot of passion. Yeah I made the right choice definetly...

She's Not Just Anyone... <3


Watching Kaylei take pictures and sign things for her fans is amazing. I'm signing things and taking pictures too but my mind is completely on her... The love of my life, my fiance! I'm so proud of her sucess and how strong shes stayed, shes a fighter.

When we finished with that we sat down and ate breakfast.

"Oh tonight I'm going to a hotel to meet up with Hannah because Giovanni broke up with her and she's pregnat so I want to see if she needs anything ok?" She said.

"Of course do what you need to do, she probably needs you more then I do" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Excuse me?" A little girl about 4 came up to Kaylei and poked her.

"HI there sweety. Whats your name?" Kaylei asked.

"Ashlin." she said

"Hello Ashlin are you a fan?" She asked Ashlin nodded yes and Kaylei pulled her up on her lap it was the cutest thing ever I had to take a picture. I nonchalantly pulled out my phone and took a picture.

"Can I get an autograph if its not to much to ask?" Aww how sweet.

"Oh Its never to much to ask I love each and everyone of my fans and you sweety are the cutest by far" Kaylei said poking Ashlins tummy. Ashlin laughed. Kaylei pulled out a napkin and signed it. Also writing something on it. Ashlin took it and whispered something in Kayleis ear. She looked over at me and smiled then whispered something back. Then Ashlin came over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you Austy" Ashlin said.

"Love you too Ashlin" I said then I kissed her cheek and she walked back over to her mom and dad.

"That was cute" I said

"I know she was!" Kaylei said

"Not just that... You and her, you'll be a great mom some day and frankly, I can't wait to have kids with you." I said grabbing her hand and kissing it.

"I can't wait either." She said then leaned over the table and kissing me.

We finished eating in a pleasent silence holding hands over the table then headed back to the house.

I love Kaylei with all my heart.

She's Not Just Anyone... <3

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