Chapter 44

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So I'm sad to say that this will probably end soon but I was wondering if I should do a sequel??? So please tell what you think about that I'm not really sure if anybody really reads this thing anyways... But my other fanfic Size Is Nothing To Me is just starting so comment if you like this one and think I should do a second one!

Song of the chapter: Heart Attack by Trey Songz


I woke up to see austin smiling down on me with his hazel eyes making me

Smile at my amazing husband.

"Morning baby" I said sitting up.

"Morning" he said

"Is Courtney and Robert up yet?" I asked standing up

"Not sure" he said crawling over to the side of the bed

"I'll be back then" I said and walked to our guest room they slept in and knocked

"Hey" Robert said opening the door

"Hi" I said

"Courtney's taking a shower" he smiled

"Alrighty I was wondering f you'd like to go do something I mean it's been forever since me and you hung out" I said

"Alright I was thinking we could design a nursery for back home you know without Courtney knowing and all" he said

"I would love too! Let me just get ready and make breakfast for my garbage can and you guys and we can go" I said laughing and walking out

"Alright thank you Kaylei" he said and I nodded and ran back to our room and jumped on the bed.

"Get up baby" I said jumping up as down and giggling. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down onto of him making me shriek

I smiled and kissed him before hopping off the bed and getting dressed into some jeans and a purple v-neck and purple vans.

"Robert and I are going out today so you'll be with Courtney all day" I said walking back into our room

"Alrighty" he smiled and I ran downstairs to see Robert already made bacon and eggs

"I could have done that" I said getting apple juice

"It's alright" he smiled and

"I'll go get Courtney and Austin" I said running BACK upstairs I stopped at the end of the hall "BREAKFASTS READY!" I yelled Austin ran out of our room and swooped me up making me laugh uncontrollably.

Austin carried me all the way to the kitchen and set me down then kissed me "love you" he said

"Awe austin I love you too" Robert said and austin just laughed

Courtney walked down the stairs and joined us after breakfast Robert and I headed out and went to a baby store.


"Courtney I need your help with something" I said

"I'm pregnant austin there's not much I can do" she laughed

"No I mean I want to do something for Kaylei, it's been a while and she's under a lot of stress and I know I don't make things easy on her." I sighed and sat down.

"Ok what did you have in mind?" She asked

"I was thinking maybe a picnic but I'm not sure where" I said

"How about your living room?" She suggested and I gave her a funny look making her laugh "think about it austin low music no lights except candles around maybe some roses and a pizza.... What more could a girl want?" She shrugged

"Thank you so much! That's perfect!" I gushed and got up to hug her.

"You're welcome but seriously austin just know that if you ever hurt her again ill cut your nuts off" she said sternly.

"I wouldn't dare to" I smiled and we laughed


"Blue, Green, Red or Yellow?" I asked

"Red and Turquoise" Robert said

"I should have known" I laughed

"Do you guys know the name yet or?" I asked

"Yeah, Ryan Rene" he smiled

"That's cute named after you so initials are RRV red and blue hmmm alright I got it two blue walls two red a dark brown crib red set you have to get a blue diaper bag and black RRV wood letter above the crib.... This will e easy but I have to go out to San Antonio to help you set it up after my surgery" I said

"Ok but uh surgery?" He asked

"Oh yeah um, I have to get surgery and see if I only have one ovary because I don't know if austin told you but we've been trying to have kids and we cant...." I sighed and he hugged me

"I'm sorry KayKay court and I here for you" he smiled

"I know, thank you you're like a brother an I'm so thankful for you and I really do love you" I smiled "as a brother" I laughed

"I love you too as a sister" he laughed and we got everything we needed us tons of diapers and clothes that will be shipped back to San Antonio

"How are we going to do this without Courtney knowing" I asked

"She's visiting the family in Idaho after this so you can fly down to San Antonio and then help me" he said

"Sounds like a plan" I said an we got in my car.

We got back and austin was asleep on the couch and Courtney was in the kitchen. I quietly snuck over to the couch and laid on top of him and he still didn't wake up. I started play with his hair and I kissed him and smiled down at him. He didn't wake up. "Austin baby get up I'm home." I said and he opened his eyes

"Hey beautiful" he smiled making me blush.

"Hi handsome it's time to get up" I said putting my hands on the side and pushing up so I was in push up position on top of him

"Wait baby do a push up" he said and I did and he kissed me when I came down.

"Ok I'm done" I said getting up and getting off the couch.

He groaned and got up "how about pizza for dinner?" I asked going in the kitchen

"No pizza hut" Austin glared

"Oh my gosh austin he was a little cute so what" I said


"IT WAS A HARMLESS SCAN!" I said laughing

"No it was not" he said looking at Robert

"Ok what about dominos then" I said

"That works" Austin cheered

Oh. My. Gosh. How am I sane!!!


Sorry it's so short I'm at a friends and I've got writers block sorry but if you didn't read THE TOP THEN PLEASE GO READ IT!!! Thank you

-Kaylei <21

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