Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to To Taylor and Mommy <3 love you guys

Song Of The Chapter: You Found Me by the Fray <3

Oh and if theres alot of mistakes im sorry I'm doing this on my laptop haha so here it is!



I love Austin so much he's so sweet.

"how about the amusement park today?" Austin asked little did he know that Amusement parks are my only weakness they make me so nervous I can't go on any rides I'll throw up. I can't let him see me like that.

"Um I actually wanted to show you something today." I said smiling.

"Where?" He asked, of course im not going to tell him this place means so much to me. Its where I would go when I wanted to cry when my dad left.

"its a surprise... I have to go home and get dressed I'll be back though in about an hour be ready ok?" I said walking away.

"wait!" he called after me.


He kissed me and hugged me. "hurry back babe" he winked at me. He called me babe and I nearly melted.

"bye" I said then walked out of his house. Almost immediatley after I left he texted me.

"I miss you already ;) </3" I just laughed at it and shoved my iPhone back into my pocket and continued down the dead silent road. No cars. No people. No anything... Not even wind.

Until I heard it the screams. The peircing scream. I realized it was the person I missed most Taylor... Where was it coming from I looked all around. Where is she "TAYLOR?!?!?!?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed runinng around but again it was silent and I realized something. Why would taylor be here she lives a couple cities away.

Thats when I woke up in the hospital bed... what happend why am I here? "KAYLYN!!" Taylor screamed coming towards me.

"wh- a- I her-" I could only say parts of my words. she just looked at me with sorrow.

"You got hit by a car and you've been out for 3 days" she understood what I was trying to say. Then I thought about what happend I was walking home from Austins whe-

"Aus-" I started to cry. Does he know. Wheres he?

"Austin just went home to go get some clothes... Kaylyn you're lucky hes been here the whole time by your side I think the only time hes left is to go the cafeteria to go get food." she laughed "I tried to get him to go home but he insisted on staying here with you... He really loves you Kay." she said I singled towards the pen and paper on the side table so I could tell her something with out hurting more.

She gave it to me it had writing on it I read it... It was a song Austins chicken scratch was on it...

motionless, cold, times going so slow, open your eyes pardon my cries, I need you here i can't lose you the love of my life.

I stopped reading and wrote to taylor

I've missed you TayTay Its been so long we barely ever talk anymore what happend to KayTay." I handed the paper to her and she laughed at the kaytay part thats what we would call ourselfs when I lived by her we'd go everywhere do everything. I even pushed her out of the way of a biker guy that was about to hit her and so I got hit instead. Her dad and my dad were jerks hers abused her and mine just never came around. We both dont talk to either of them now.

"I dont know Kay but I've missed you too... I'm so sorry I've been drifting away and spending to much time with my boyfriend to realize it. But were back KayTay forever." she said then held out her hand for our secret handshake. We did it. Then we laughed well she did I tried up but it hurt my side I was confused but I just shrugged it off and hugged her.

"Awww well ain't that cute!" Mommy and Austin walked in. Mommy was Jakie, Taylors mom I never felt comfortable calling my friends moms mom but with Jakie she was different she was so nice and understanding she was like a second mom to me.

"mo-" I tried but it just hurt my side again.

"Just relax" she said walking over to my side. I wrote on the paper.

"Mommy! Im so glad your'e here!'

"Of course im here"

"How you feeling baby?" Austin asked walking over to me and hugging me.

ok I guess :/ my side hurts but I don't know why...

He read it and a tear slipped down his cheek. "You had to have surgery because then cars impact was mainly on your side. Thats why." He said

I gave him a worried look. Not cause I had surgery... but because he was crying for me.

"I see you're up ms. Stone I'm just going to check on your side ok?" Said a woman that I was assuming to be the doctor. I shook my head and she told me to go on my side and I did then I pointed at Austin.

"How about we go get some coffee?"Taylor said grabbing Austin. She knows me so well she knew that I didn't want Austin to see it. "Ok" he said following her out the door.

"This May hurt just a tad" Said the doctor she was taking off the bandage that covered up my stitches I looked at it and It was hideous so I quickly Looked away. It didn't hurt just felt weired having her touch my side. But it didn't feel as weird as it would if she were a he.

"all done" she said pulling down my gown. "We just need to keep you for a couple more days to monitor you ok?" she asked looking down at her clip board I just nodded. She walked out andright after her Taylor and Austin came back in the room.

"I wish I was there with you I would have taken the hit." Austin said and I wrote on the paper again.

"Don't say that! I'm glad it was me because I probably wouldn't be able to see you this way on the hospital bed unconsious. I love you ok Austin?" I handed it to him and he read it another tear slipped down his face.

"Ok babe... Just know that I'd take a hit and a bullet for you anyday!" He said then he kissed me. I just nodded again.

"Taylor I love you with all my heart and you too Mommy you guys are so amazing and I'm glad you're here but wheres my mom and Ethan?" I wrote and handed them the paper

"They went to Idaho to go get the rest of your family but they'll be back in 2 days" Mommy said... And again I just shook my head.

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