Chapter 45

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Today's the day, the day of my surgery... Austin's not even here! He had to go out on "business" sometimes I don't even know!!

It would be nice for some support and all but no, I have to drive myself to the hospital get the surgery and after a day drive myself home.

Let me tell you, that boy will definitely get an ear full when he comes home, if I'm not already in San Antonio that is.

I got up and just threw on some sweats before grabbing my bag of stuff for the hospital and going to my car and driving to the hospital.

I went to the receptionists desk and took of my sun glasses.

"Oh my gosh your Kaylei Stone!" She cheered

"Yes I am but I'm scheduled for a surgery so if you would please tell me where I need to be that would be nice." I smiled

She nodded and typed on her computer "75D floor 3 but could I please get an autograph?" She asked

"Of course" I said then signed a piece of paper for her. I smiled then nodded and walked towards the elevator.

I walked into the room and shortly after the doctor walked in.

"Could I have you put on the gown and shortly a nurse will be In here to tend to your every need" he smiled and I nodded.

He walked out and I stripped and got on the gown and very uncomfortably laid down. I fumbled with my thumbs and sighed then my phone vibrated and it scared me. I grabbed it and got a text from Austin.


"I'm so sorry I'm not there for you today babe, I love you good luck!" It read and I groaned

"Yeah, ok Austin ill talk to you later, bye" I said then turned my phone off.

Just then the nurse came in. "I've heard that sigh before Mr. Mahone not here?" She asked

"He's away on business" I sighed

"Aw I'm sorry alright this is gonna hurt a little bit" she said then poked me with a needle for my IV

I took a deep breath. "It'll all get better" she sighed "relax your arm then strain it over and over alright?" She asked and I nodded

"I'm going to put you to sleep so that we can do the surgery alright?"

"Ok thank you" I said and relaxed

"Goodnight" she smiled and I nodded before slipping away.


I woke to the sound of my heart monitor beeping.

I looked around and no one was there. Shortly after the nurse came back

"Oh bellow Kaylei ill go get the doctor" she smiled and I nodded

The doctor came in and I sat up

"Kaylei I have a few questions for you" he said

"Alright" I sighed

"Have you ever had surgery?" He asked

"Only once"

"Why?" He asked

"I was hit by a car and they had to check for internal bleeding why?" I asked

"Just a question well I'm you do have both your ovaries and so I believe that you and your husband should be able to receive kids with a little bit of effort put um" he started them sighed

"What is it?" I asked

"Well it seems as if... Your stomach is damaged and quite frankly I don't understand how your not in pain" he said

"O-oh" I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Mahone"

"It's alright thank you, um when can I go home?" I asked

"Tomorrow" he said then left

I sunk down into my bed and sighed before crying. My phone rang on the side table and I sniffed before answering, it was austin

"H-hello?" I asked

"Baby what's wrong? Do you-"

"No I have them both but my stomach is, just when are you coming home?" I asked hurt fully

"I just got off the plane ill be there soon honey" he said

"Al-alright I love you" I sighed

"I love you too" he said then hung up.

I slowly pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed. I got on twitter out of boredom.

"Good/bad news.... Just can't wait to see my baby again 3 @AustinMahone"

I said then got off checking my email out of boredom then playing Temple Run.

About 30 minutes later austin came in with balloons and flowers. "Awe thanks baby" I said and then kissed him.

"You're welcome, here" he said handing me skittles I laughed a little and thanked him.

"I missed you" He said as he sat down.

"You were only gone 3 days" I laughed

"But I missed you" he said grabbing my hand.

"Ok Austin, I missed you too" I laughed

"I'm so sorry" he said tearing up.

"What did you do?" I asked

"I haven't treated you right in so long... I was a horrible boyfriend, fiancé, and now husband I'm so sorry" he said crying.

My eyes softened and I pulled him close. "Austin don't even say that you are the best a girl could ask for and I love you with every fiber of my being don't forget that ok boo I love you so much Austy" I said then kissed him harshly and with so much passion more then ever before.

All my love for him poured into that one kiss! Letting him know that it was all worth it every year, month, week, day, hour, and second with him was well spent and nothing was going to get in the way of that.

I love Austin Carter Mahone, He's Not Just Anyone.

The end.


Oh my gosh guys! I ended it faster then I wanted but let me just say that I love the ending there will in fact, be a sequel and I just wanted to say thank you for all the vote I love you guys. I cried writing this!

With much love,


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