Chapter 15

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Hey guys sorry I deleted the other chapter 15 cause I got this one confused with my other story... embarassing haha but yeaaaa HERE IT IS AGAIN hopefully better lol! Oh and P.S. I decided to change the main characters name to kaylei since mines kaylei and it's confusing for me to type kaylyn

Song of the chapter: Nothing on you by B.o.B.



"Kaylei! I've missed you so much sorry I didn't come visit you in the hospital it was just so hard to see you there laying motionless on that bed" She said pulling me into a hug.

"It's ok your'e here now and thats all that matters besides we'll just have a really good girls night to make up for it!" I wrote on my white board.

"Good speaking of that I HAVE PEARL HARBOR AND SKITTLES!" She yelled Pearl Harbor was my favorite movie because Ben Affleck played in it and Reaf *I think thats how you spell it lol* and Danni. I clapped and drug her to the couch. Ethan was asleep and mom was gone again and my other family was at a hotel for a few nights... Ugh they are so alike.

"Oh and I know that you have titanic so yeah we'll watch that too!" She laughed.

"You know its true also Just Dance 4 later after were done obbsessing over the guys in the movies <3" I laughed and held my side cause it hurt... I just want it to all go away even for the night so I can enjoy being with Hailey.

"Yeah because I mean come on who could possibly think that Reaf is not hot UGH hes so finnnne" She said SPEAKING TOTAL TRUTH!

"Oh my gosh I know... I'd totally do him... Just saying if I didn't have Austin of course haha" I gave her the white board and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some Dr. Pepper but then the power went out suddenly and lightning flashed and at that moment I seriously felt like I was in a horror movie where the lights go out and they people get murderd and to be honest I was scared because I couldn't even yell if I wanted to.

"Kaylei where are you?" Hailey asked I could tell she was close

By the fridge" I said quietly

Then I felt someone touch me... It wasn't Hailey though her hands were small and soft... Theses hands were if anything HUGE and rough.

"Where I can't find you"

I was about to say something until the person put there other hand on my mouth and pulled me back. I was so scared. They opened the bathroom door and brought me in there. I was about to piss myself. Then they kissed me they we plump and amazing and thier smell finally filled my nose. I knew exactly who it was now. Austin.

"Hey baby did I scare you?" I could just hear the smirk on his face. But I was mad at him,

"Yes you freak... I thought I was gonna die and piss my pants jackass." I hit his arm again trying to be quite and not to strain my weak voice.

"Aww im sorry babe me and Zach got bored and I know you told me Hailey was over so we decided to come visit our beautiful girls and then the power went out so we thought why not scare you guys a little." He said hugging me

"Whatever I'm sill thirsty so if you don't mind im going to go get my Dr. Pepper now." I said walking out of the dark bathroom into the dark hall pulling out my phone so I could see. He followed me to the kitchen and we saw Hailey and Zach making out so I just grabbed my Dr. Pepper and i went to the cuch and jsut plopped down.

"I'm sorry I really am I-" Austin started but I interupted him.

"Shut up." I whisperd before kissing him and laying in his lap "I love you Mahone" I said smiling up at him even though he couldn't see it.

"Love you too Stone now stop talking your'e not supposed to talk." He said I just shook my head and drifted off to sleep.


Sorry It's so short guys I'm just so tired I had my math ISAT today thats the state test and had the mille run today... UGH i hate running haha anyways tomorrow I'll update again and it'l be longer cause IT'S FRIDAY FRIDAY GONNA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!!! Ok sorry haha was just thinking of Alex's and Austins' video of that anywayz night my lovelys gosh I can't spell lol

-Kaylei <21


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