Chapter 14

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Song of the chapter: Eenie Meenie By Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston


Its been two days and I'm home now. Everyones here Llike all my family from Idaho I've missed my cousin Courtney the most though she's really the only cousin I talk to. The only thing is that Taylor went back to get her things so they could move in the house that was a couple blocks away. Her and Tyler are sorta together I mean I know she likes him and he likes her and that theyv'e kissed but I'm not sure if they have made it official. Now I'm just in my room thinking about everything that happend I still don't remember getting hit by the car. Austin finally went home last night thank god because I was getting SO irratated with him but I love him so its ok I guess.

"Honey how you holding up?" My mom asked coming into my room.

"I'm ok just trying to remember things..." I wrote

"OK do you need anything I'm going to the store?" I just shook my head and she left I went back to thinking.

What if this wasn't an accident what if someone was trying to kill themselves or even worse me. But if they were trying to kill themselves then why didnt they drive themselves into a pole or river or even jump off a building. I'm not saying that anyone should kill themselves just that I don't get why people have to kill others but then they just kill themselves. So that leaves the fact that it was either an accident or someone was trying to kill me.

My phone started vibrating on my side table and I picked it up and saw that it was hailey. I just ignored it and texted her.

"Hey sorry still can't talk... whats up? :)" I texted her

"oh sorry I was just wondering if I could spend the night and we could have a girls night?!" she asked I was happy because ever since I met Austin I haven't really talked to her It's just been me Austin, Alex, and Sarah.

"sounds fun!!! yeah just come over!" I'm not going anywhere lol"

"ok sounds cool be there soon love you byeee!" she said

"bye don't get hit by any cars now ;)" I laughed at my text but it hurt and I winced in pain... Why did this have to happen...


Last night I came home and fell right to sleep I was so tired. When I got up all I could think about was Kaylyn... I felt so bad cause I ripped her stitches and I let her walk home by herself. The guys name is Tony... He was drunk driving I guess that him and his wife got into an arguement so he had a couple drinks and left. He died due to a alcohol poisoning later that day.

"you awake in there?" my mom asked knocking on my door.

"Yeah come in" I said groggily.

"are yu going to kaylyns' today?"

"yes if thats ok..." I said.

"of course its ok... ggo see her anytime you want just be sure to tell me when you're leaving" she said getting off my bed.

"oki will bye mom." and with that she walked out

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