Chapter 13

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Song Of The Chapter: Miss Independent by Ne-Yo


Taylor was right Austin never leaves I don't think hes slept more the 1 hour this whole time and that worries me....

"If you don't go to bed right now I will ask the doctors to give you something so you do!" I wrote on the white board I was given. Its been two days and I still can't talk but the doctors said I probably wouldn't be able to for at least another week.

"I just want to be here for you if you need anything thats all." He said yawning

"Austin Carter Mahone get up here and sleep! I'm pretty sure if i need anything I can ask the doctors and nurses or even Taylor just please babe go to sleep its not healthy to stay awake the long" I wrote

"I can sleep on this couch its no big deal"

"NO get up here with me I miss cuddling with you </3" He got up and took his shoes off then layed down next to me trying to be careful with my side. "Thank you" I wrote then I kissed him. He basically fell asleep instantly then Taylor and Mommy Came back with lunch.

"So I have something to tell you Kaylyn and Taylor" Mommy said handing me some pudding. I shook my head telling her to continue me and Taylor looked at each other. "Well Taylor I'm sorry but we have to move out here because of my job." Taylor jumped up

"Why are you sorry I'm going to be able to see my bestfriend again EVERYDAY" she screamed. I shushed her though and pointed at austin that was sleeping like the angel he is.

"Yay KayTay is back Lol THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU MOMMY I LOVE YOU!!!!!" I wrote

"Your'e welcome sweetie." She laughed.

The rest of the night me and Taylor stayed up talking and watching movies. We mainly talked about guys though and how we had to find her a guy.

"OH my gosh Taylor I have the perfet guy for you his names Tyler and he SO sweet he's mine and Austins friend I'll ask him to bring the crew tomorrow and you can meet him hes really cute if me and Austin weren't together I'd probably be with him! He won't hurt you like Anthony did and will DEFINETLY NOT tryto rape your best friend i promise hes a great guy." I wrote

"good cause I don't think I could go through that again" She said sadly

"Babe" Austin said squeezing me a bit I rubbed his arm cause it hurt his grip just got tighter I looked over at Taylor about to cry cause it hurt so much

"AUSTIN LET GO YOURE HURTING HER STOP" She said getting up to punch him but he quickly hopped of the bed.

"Oh my gosh Kaylyn I'm sorry I forgot babe are you ok???" He said looking truly sorry. I just shook my head yes holding my side. "Crap" he yelled going out of the room yelling for the doctor I was confused until they came in.

"Calm down son her stitch just probably came open." I looked down and I saw the blood coming throuh the bandage "Kristy can you go get someone to roll her down we have to sew her back up right now." He said to the nurse that was next to him. At this point Austin was on the couch in the room his head in his hands and I saw tears hitting the floor.

"Babe its ok you didn't mean to I know that calm down baby I love you" I threw the white boad next to him trying not to hit him.

"No its not ok I hurt you I'm sorry I love you honestly" He said He still had my white board

"I know" I whispered so I didnt strain myself.

"See you in a few minutes babe" He said smiling at me then walked over to me and kissed my forehead befor taking me.


Sorry its short :/ but im really liking this story and soon some AMAZING AND VERY GOOD stuff will happen anyways love you hope you enjoyed it!


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