Nebuya Eikichi: A Promise

Start from the beginning

*ring ring ring*

"Red alert! Chief (Your Name), to your plane right away! There are nearby 12 planes that we suspect that carries nuclear bombs! You are needed for the dogfight!"

Leaving your business in the kitchen, you dashed to where your plane is and quickly took off together with your other 8 wingmen.

"Formation 8, enemy's 150 miles away. I've leaked this strategy of them from a secret agent. There's only one who carried the bomb. Others are just decoy. Men, I repeat. If that bomb ever drops 50 miles near Tokyo, it would be Hiroshima all over again. I repeat, we are all to brig down every plane, leading them to crash to the waters. And the ultimatum. No more suicidal actions. We're no Kamikazees! Am I clear?!"


"Ok here they come!"


The dogfight continues as you and your team tried to drive them away further from Tokyo. And continue to succeed. So far your team brought down 7 planes and in your team, there remains 3 more planes.

*eeeeeng boom!"

Another plane from your side crashed with the Barrage bullets from the enemy. "Shit."

"Officer Tony, I want you to swerve to the left and chase the lane on your left. I think I got who has the bomb. I trust you to take down that plane. Got it?" You said over the communication line."


And the one-on-one started. Ammunition are constantly being fired until the inevitable came. You run out of ammo and your fuel is dwindling.

Taking a glimpse on your radar, it is shown that your man is still taking care of the other enemy plane, but is still going well.


"Hey. Person from the station. I want this audio to be broadcasted to all our stations. Can it be?"


"Chief Nebuya! You shall hear this!"

"What?!" He was on the process of staring at his donburi, not really wanting to eat since he is worried about everything.

"It's the Chief (YourName) on broadcast during a serial fight!"

Everyone means that when things like that are allowed, shit is going down.

"Shit, (your name) how can you be so reckless." He raced to the communication control of the naval ship.

"Ironic that I always tell my men that i don't want any Kamikazee thing to happen. But look. A plane in my range. Almost empty gas, and no ammunition."

"What is their base doing? Why are there no one to back her up! Connect me to her! Quick!"

The assigned officer immediately followed and passed on the device to him. "(Your Name) you idiot! Did I just tell you that you shall not fucking die?!!!"

A sound or failing machine was heard in the background. "Ah! Well, shit happens. This enemy this time is carrying again the killing bomb. Some people gotta do the heroic deed!" You said as you are preparing the final blow.

"Idiot! Eject from the plane right this instant!"

You glimpsed at your plane's other screen and you are notified by your other men that he already eliminated the other plane. That leave you with the deadliest one. You pressed button that orders him to go as far as he could go from the parameter.

"Well, Nebuya, I just wanted to tell you something..." The oxygen inside the plane is almost depleted. You made a steep upward dive as you went for the enemy plane's belly. "I love you."

"(Your Name)!!!!"

And the communication line went static into nothing.

It was confirmed that the plane you encountered carries a nuclear bomb.

Some cheered for the country is now safe but some mourned for the loss of one of the country's greatest asset.

And we have one officer that suffer from the loss of someone that loves him and he loves as well.


After that incident of that nation using the forbidden weapon worldwide against your country, treaties are signed and all. Eventually, all casualties are repaired, though the scars it left would remain.

"Today, we are gathered to commemorate all the sacrifices the soldiers of our nation, gave just to protect everyone." It was the prime minister in the stage, crying while giving his speech. "But there's this one soldier that...that everyone knows that made the biggest sacrifice. Chief (Your Name), my lovely daughter."

Nebuya was beside him, failing on keeping my tears from falling. Well, everyone in her platoon are crying too. She might be an idiot and cruel sometimes but she's actually a caring one.

"She is the loveliest. Most dedicated. Everything. I am so proud of you my daughter. You'll be forever in the hearts and mind of the people of Japan."

Eulogy of his family and friends and platoon members followed until it was finally his turn.

"(Your Name), is a rude, impatient, devil and loudest wins that I know, yet, I love her." Before the war began, I made her promise to me that she'll survive the war and I'll be telling her something. During her last words during her last encounter with the plane carrying the nuclear missile, she said that she loves me, and that was her last word." He took a deep breath and wiped his tears with his sleeves before continuing.

"She's such an idiot. She hates suicidal strategies yet she did it herself? She is an idiot because she never...never...let me say back that I love her much..."


Those who fall for glory, are the ones that rise to top.

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