53 _ Four's A Crowd

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TV is a big fat liar.

It tries to have us girls believe that falling asleep on a guy's chest is comfortable. Well let me shatter the illusion for you – it's not.

Especially when the guy is Callum and he rolls around in his sleep. When it's Callum you wake up with a stiff neck and the very real actuality of almost breaking said neck. It probably didn't help that we'd fallen asleep on the couch, the 'bed' didn't give much respite. I would have fallen off of Callum's body if he hadn't caught me at the last minute.

Then again, if he hadn't caught me he wouldn't have fallen on top of me when we inevitably fell together.

"Ouch." I cried.

Callum laughed. He brushed some of my hair from my eyes and grinned at me, I couldn't help but return the expression. "Good sleep, beauty?" he said.

I nodded, blinked extra hard and pretended not to notice that Callum was as effected by his words as I was.

I opened my mouth to say something, though really I had no idea what the thing I said would be, when the doorbell rang.

Callum and I both frowned at it, for different reasons, I surmised. But thinking about it now, maybe our reasons weren't so different.

"Another booty call?" I asked curtly. I hadn't meant for it to come out like that, it just happened.

"I don't have booty calls. They're just girls I sleep w-" he shook his head, "We're not having this conversation." He finalised, and I was happy about that. "We should just leave it. Is your OCD ok with that?"

"I don't have OCD." I said mimicking Callum's tone. "And fine. I think I've met enough girls you've stuck your penis in." I folded my arms.

"I didn't sleep with Lola, I already told you that."

"I wasn't talking about Lola. I was talking about the girl who we bought tickets from at the cinema, the girl who sold us popcorn, the girl who we bumped into on the way to the cinema and the group of girls that practically attacked you when we were coming home." I wasn't even sure that the group of girls knew that each of them had had a go on Callum. *shudder*

Callum looked as uncomfortable as he had the night before each time we came across a girl he'd been with. Though at the rate we saw them it was a wonder he could walk down his street without being uncomfortable.

"Yeah, about that... I... um...?" he said, as articulate as ever.

I waved my hand in disinterest.

Callum looked like he was going to press the subject, thankfully the bell rang again. This time it was followed by insistent knocking.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but he looked as confused as I.

The knocking and the ringing came again. And then shouting. The voice said, "CALLUM WILLIAMS, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! OPEN UP!"

We both sat up straight. I was very aware how close I was to Callum and edged away from him.

"I am definitely not opening that door." He said.

"YES YOU ARE!" The voice – it was female, it was familiar – said.

I cocked my head to the side, remembering something.


I stood up and walked across the room as far away from Callum as possible.

He looked at me warily, like it was somehow my fault that some crazy, though familiar, girl was banging down his door.

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