5_ At least out loud I won't say I'm in Love

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I walked home feeling all weird. I kept telling myself that I didn’t really like the guy. But that weird heart flipping and stomach turning sensation broke through whenever I’d think of his smile or his laugh or his eyes. Hell, I could have been thinking of his shoe size and have felt butterflies. I skipped across the cracks on the ground and smiled, why was it Luke liked it when I did that? Why was I still thinking of Luke? I needed to stop thinking, I needed to stop feeling. It was just too weird.

I was so wrapped in thought that I didn’t notice Callum calling me the first time. My head snapped up when I heard, “T-Rex, if you don’t get your butt in here right now I will come after you.”

I smiled at Callum. He was leaning against his door frame with his arms folded.

“My butt will do no such thing.” I called out.

“What do you mean your butt?” Callum asked, “That’s my ass, woman.”

I ran over to him and stood so that we were only a few centre metres apart. Callum was still grinning. I’d soon wipe that smile off of his face, I thought, smiling back at him. I took in a deep breath and hollered, “CALLUM NATHENIAL WILLIAMS, DID YOU JUST SWEAR?”

Callum’s face fell so quickly it was comical.

“What?” I heard Callum’s mum yell from behind him.

I winked at him and pushed past him to enter the house.

Callum’s mum was walking towards him, her eyes like slits. “Hi, Mrs Williams.” I chimed.

She smiled at me lovingly, I wish my mum had smiled at me like that, “Hello, Antonia. What’s my boy been doing now?”

Callum jumped away from the door and shut it. “I didn’t say a thing.” He lied.

Both me and his mum crossed our arms and looked at him. “What did he say, Toni?” she asked still looking at him.

I mock-sobbed, “He said that he owned my…” I trailed off and glared at him, “My bottom. But he didn’t say bottom.” I added hastily.

Mrs Williams gave him the look. Ah, the look. Where would mums be without it?

I watched Callum’s parents for a moment. Mr Williams came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around Mrs Williams. “Hey, Ton+i.” I turned back to my best friend.

“Hello, Mr Williams.” I said not taking my eyes off of Callum’s face. Watching him get all flustered like that was so funny.

 “Don’t you think it’s a little late to be torturing Callum?”

I laughed, “It’s never too late to be torturing Callum.” I turned to him confused, “Wait, how late is it?”

“It’s 8.” Callum said. I laughed; he’d looked at his empty wrist again. He smiled at me. His mum cleared her throat. He frowned again.

“It’s 7:35.” Callum’s dad corrected. I laughed again; Mr Williams had stuck his tongue out at him.

“Anyway.” Mrs Williams said loudly, “Back to the subject at hand. You own Antonia’s bottom?”

Mr Williams snorted. “Wrong thing to say, Cal.” I smiled, that was the exact same way Callum had said it when talking to Ty the day before.

“What do you say?” Mrs Williams asked covering up a smile.

Callum looked at my grinning face. “I’m sorry, Toni.”

“You see.” I said slinging my arm over his shoulder. “That wasn’t so hard was it?”

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