18_ More like a zombie than Pinocchio

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Though camera flashes don’t actually have sound I always imagine they do. That’s what I woke up to the next morning. Flash.

I groaned. Callum’s arm tightened around me and I burrowed myself into his chest. I felt his sigh reverberate through his body, it made me tingle. “Toni…” he murmured through sleep.

I laughed softly at the fact that I could feel his voice. I very rarely slept so tucked in with Callum; whenever I did my body noted everything about it.

“Those two are cute together.” Someone commented.

“Toni, be quiet.” Callum moaned.

“It’s not me speaking, Einstein.” I said pushing against his ribs. I remembered why I didn’t like sleeping so close to Callum. He hated to wake up and would cling to you if you woke up before him. Coincidentally, that time in year 1 when I’d peed his bed had been because he hadn’t let me get up to go to the toilet. We had never quite been the same since. Though, you know, I have got much better bladder control now.

Anyway, back to the story.

“So sweet.” The same person said again. Groggily, I got up, fighting my way out of Callum’s grip. I laughed quietly at this and looked at my best friend. He still slept as he did when he was younger.

I sucked on my finger then stuck it in his ear.

Callum screamed and shot up.

Ah, I did love waking Callum up.

“Damn it, Toni!”

“Get up, stupid.”

He threw himself back onto the bed and covered his ears. “No.”

I jumped on top of him, “Yes. You big baby.”

He rolled over, lying on his back, meaning I was trapped underneath his fat ass.

I screamed, and laughed, at the sudden movement.

Callum flailed his limbs out so any chance of me wriggling out from underneath him was impossible. He then let out the biggest snore in the world. Which was kind of ironic since Callum didn’t really snore. He did this kind of purring thing. Apparently I snored, but I’ve never believed him.

“Get your fat butt off of me.” I screamed in his ear.

He snored louder.

I doubt he would have gotten up if his parents hadn't been in the room with us. I look back at that moment and I'm not sure how I feel. I mean, it was one of our moments (and when I say our moments I mean a The Williams and I moment) and it was completely natural, completely spontaneous, everything I’d never had with my own family. In those moments I could kid myself, I could pretend that was where I belonged.

Pretty stupid of me, pretty selfish.

“Callum, get off of Toni.” I saw Mrs Williams over his shoulder and sent her a pleading look. She climbed up onto the bed and dug her son in the ribs.

Shocked Callum convulsed. He convulsed while on top of me so I felt as if a baby elephant had decided to use me as a trampoline.

Thank you Mrs Williams.

“Ow.” I cried.

Cal burst out laughing.

I tried to kick him.

In case you didn’t know, it’s practically impossible to kick someone who’s got your legs pinned underneath them. Stupid Toni.

Callum caught his own mother in a headlock. The audacity.

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