49_ Glass

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I woke and my head and tongue and throat and stomach felt like death. I groaned to myself and remembered that there was such a thing as being drunk because there was very much a thing as being hung-over.

I was then thrown that thing that is about just as worse as a hang-over: my memory.

I jumped up with a yelp that would have been a scream had I had enough lubrication in the whole mouth and throat area.

My hands roamed over my body and were very surprised to find themselves rubbing fabric. I was fully dressed. I even still had my socks on!

I held my breath - scared of sighing in content. I don't know why. Clothes on after a night out is always a good thing. Always.

I slowly eased myself down into the pillow that I woke up in. I glanced around the room. Callum's room. I'm in Callum's room.

A little bubble of excitement floated from my stomach to my chest.

My eyes instinctively searched the space in the bed next to me. No one was there. The bubble burst.

I went back to my ails and thought about how to fix them. I needed water and painkillers and to never drink again.

And as if by magic, Callum's bedroom door opened and in he came. He seemed shocked to see me there in his bed, but he had a glass of water in his hand and a box of ibuprofen in the other - and I did not suppose they were all for him - so he must have expected to see me there.

"Hi." He said.

I waved because my throat did not seem in the business of working at that moment.

He stared at me, like he had done the night before, but I lost my nerve so I didn't look back.

He cleared his throat. "I... um, I brought you water and drugs."

I smiled and resolved to not be an idiot and just look at him. He wasn't looking at me any longer. He came over to his side of the bed and crawled over to mine, awkwardly, because that was the only way he could get to me.

I croaked out a thank you and he told me that I was welcome. I then swallowed the pill and greedily drunk the water and Callum smiled affectionately. I smiled too, because I hadn't done anything greedily in a while, apart from last night. I thought to myself. My face heated up.

"Um..." I cleared my throat, finding my voice and studiously ignoring my headache, "Last night?"

Callum looked suitably ashamed and I did not blame him. I felt the same.

"Yeah, last night." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"You don't seem too hung-over?" I offered as a subject starter.

He nodded, "Yeah. I stayed awake longer than you and I'm bigger so alcohol isn't as bad on me, and also I drank a lot of water before I fell asleep."

"Lucky you." I commented.

"Yeah, I thought about waking you up to make you drink something but you looked too-" he paused and furrowed his brow, "I just thought you'd prefer to sleep. Was that ok?"

"Yeah of course it was." I said.

He nodded and we lapsed into silence again.

I ran my fingers across my palm and ignored all those pale crescent lines on them. I had always thought they'd go away. "Did we have sex, Callum?"

I don't know what it was that Callum had in his mouth to choke up so suddenly and steadily, but that question certainly did the trick of getting it out.

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