51_ Sloppy Seconds

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Callum and I stared at my shrivelled up clothing.

"You are ridiculous." He decreed.

I gingerly picked up my patchy, blue shrunken top - it had been white before. "It's not that bad." I tried.

Cal plucked the garment (using the word loosely) from my hand and inspected it. An inspection wasn't needed. He just did it to take the piss, "I know you're tiny, T. But even you can't fit in that."

I crossed my arms and stood, annoyed. My top was ruined like my list was ruined. And I couldn't deny it. I huffed, "It... I. Um..." I pouted in defeat, "What am I meant to do now, Callum?"

He laughed once. And then he asked, "How did you not notice last night?"

And I responded by saying, "I was distracted."

"By what?"

"By things."

"What things?"

"Callum. Shut up." I said tersely.

He shut up.

I then turned to him, pouting again, "What am I meant to do?"

He was obviously holding in another laugh, "I have an idea. But... promise me you won't hit me."

"No." I said.

He couldn't hold the smile in any longer, "The naked option is still available."

You see I would have hit him, but he knew that I would hit him. So I couldn't. Instead I stuck my finger in mouth and then stuck said finger into his ear. His reaction was thanks enough.

"Arrggh! Antonia, what the hell?" He cringed.

I sniggered to myself.

He wiped his ear vigorously, by the time it was done his ear was red. "I forgot how gross you were." He muttered.

"I wasn't gross."

"You used to lick me awake."

"Only a little." I countered, "Plus, you can't tell me you didn't like it."

"I didn't like it." He said tartly.

I rolled my eyes, "And you're gross for telling me get naked."

"I would also be naked."

I turned to him and cocked my head to the side, "What if I don't want to get naked with you again?"

He was obviously offended by the proposition. And so was I. Oddly enough. I mean, we'd just had sex once. Who ever said we would go back there? Would it even be as good the second time? How would a second time happen? How did the first time even happen?

"Hello? Earth to Toni."

I waved my hands in the air, irritated by his interrupting my thoughts and by my thoughts, "Anyway, let's get back to the matter at hand. My clothes."



"You remember how you used to bring clothes to mine? There's some in my room."

I wrinkled my nose, "You kept them?"

"What did you expect me to do?"

I shrugged, "Throw them out."

Callum looked conflicted, it was a cute look. "Well I didn't." He started up the stairs, I followed him. "They might not fit you anymore, but you haven't grown that much have you?" He asked giving me the once over.

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