24_ Odd

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It’s odd, walking out of a classroom in the middle of school, I thought to myself as I tried not to focus on how loud my footsteps were, resounding off of the floor and walls. I’d been out of the classroom before, to go to the toilet and such but never to do what I was about to do. I was about to truant.

Truanting isn't good kids…

If there are any kids reading this? Though you shouldn’t be, this isn't a nice book.

I made my way to Luke, going all Mission Impossible, because, well I’d never truanted before. I knew that walking around suspiciously would cause a rise in suspicion.  But I also knew if anyone walked into me and asked why I was walking around school, even if it was just to see if I was going to the toilet, I would start babbling incoherent nonsense that would surely get me in trouble.

I didn’t want to get in trouble.

I know a lot of the time it seems like I don’t care what my school thinks of me, and you know the period in which this stories set, I didn’t really care. I had much more pressing issues to focus on. But I did care about school. It was one of the only places that didn’t brand me as a stupid, ugly, selfish girl. I got awards at school. I received perfect attendance and punctuality, I was voted year 9s best student. I was a good little school girl, and the heated annoyance that I felt towards Callum dispersed as soon as I left the room.

I didn’t like what I was about to do, but I could no sooner walk into that room again.

I still had my pride, if anything, back then.

Reminding myself of that fact I bunched my shoulders back, held my head high and walked with purpose, round to the back of the school to where Luke was waiting, making goo-goo eyes at a not so amused Mr Vale.

I smirked at the blonde boy’s back and whined, “Are you cheating on me, Lukey-poo?”

He jumped at the suddenness of my voice but then started laughing at my jutting bottom lip. He bent forward, took it in his mouth and sucked on it before slipping his tongue into my orifice.

Though my fourteen year old self should have jumped away from him screaming “Eww!” I pretty much fought Luke for dominance once his tongue touched mine because if one thing could be said for Luke he didn’t make me feel like an awkward little girl kissing a big boy, his kisses made me feel grown and whole and almost loved. And after a week of not kissing any one I realised how much I missed that body contact.

We both let  go of each other at the same time, breathing heavily, our foreheads pressed together, “I was going to say if you ever call me Lukey-poo again I’d have to consider cheating on you, but never mind.”

I laughed breathlessly and gave in completely when Luke went to kiss me again.

After a few heated moments of rekindling each other’s romance with our mouths Luke smiled that star beam smile at me again and grabbed my hand, “Come on, let’s go before anyone catches us.”  

Being love drunk as I was I followed Luke mindlessly, licking my lips reliving the sweet taste of him. It wasn’t until we were at an unmanned school gate (yes, there were teachers everywhere at our school- some students had the habit of leaving before it ended) that I truly understood what was going to happen.

I wasn’t just bunking off English- which was bad enough in its own way- I was bunking school entirely.

“We can’t do that.” I automatically said.

Luke looked back at me, raised an eyebrow and then smiled, “I forgot you were a good girl.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, those words stung when coming from Luke, “No I'm not.”

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