8_ How do you solve a problem like Luke Jordon?

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I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you about the enigma that was Lucas Jordon.

He was always in trouble. The type of person that went through the motions of school, that didn’t care, that didn’t feel. And for some reason this made Lucas the most sort after boy in the school.

Though, you know, his ‘boy band’ looks probably had something to do with it too.

Before I met Luke and knew who he really was I would have described him as one of those cliché hippy guys from the 60s (minus the AIDS- though there were rumours). Luke had a problem with The Man. Anyone with half a brain could see that. He didn’t like authority; he didn’t like being told what to do. He was a bad ass.

When I was in year 7 I heard of the boy the year above me who had asked a teacher if she needed surgery to get her head so far up her ass. He then went onto ask her if she wanted some help getting it out. And then, though I'm not sure whether this part is true or not, he pulled down her trousers in attempt to dislodge said head with a ruler.

Others have said that it was knife. Some say a spoon.

Whatever it was the teacher was never seen again and the boy had to stay in the exclusion for the rest of the term and wasn’t allowed on the end of year trip.

No one knows what actually happened, the teacher was stupid enough to give him detention without any witnesses; she only had herself to blame. I believe she’s living somewhere in Canada, ice fishing.

There were many other rumours.

Luke was gay.

Luke was having an affair with our head of year, Ms Hooper.

Luke was an international spy.

Once Susie swore that Luke was a vampire, for some reason this made her want him even more. She wanted to be his Bella Swan.

This did not appeal to me at all. I've seen the movies and all the black vampires are grey. So I’d be beautiful for all eternity, I did not want to be a beautiful grey 12 year old bloodsucker.

With all the speculation and such I had decided that I did not like Luke Jordon in the slightest. In fact his name alone would make me cringe with all the horridness that was coupled with it. So while all the other girls were beside themselves with lust I was watching them in horror knowing that one day I would fall for a boy, one day I would become one of them.

That day in the exclusion room hadn't been the first time I’d ever spoken to Luke Jordon. I had only spoken to him a handful of times before- delivering letters to classes, bumping into each other in the hallways- but there’s one day that sticks out. The day I realised that I liked him.

I’d run away from Callum. Not because we were fighting but because I was so obviously being a bitch. My parents’ weren't in the best of moods, this meant I wasn’t either. They’d stayed up all night arguing, they only stopped when dad got mum to stop screaming, and then got her to stop crying. It was their anniversary. I’d decided that I should stay my house, hoping that mum and dad would go out and celebrate. They didn’t.

I don’t know why they were arguing.

I didn’t care. I almost crawled over to Callum’s house, but I didn’t want him to see me crying.

So I was exhausted, angry and being a bitch because I knew as soon as Callum noticed the bags under my eyes he’d order me to go to his house and sleep. I hated when he did that. I loved when he did that.

I was walking across the turf wondering whether I should go to Maths or not. I knew I would but it was fun playing with the idea of being bad. I’d done a full circle of the school and was at the back where teachers and students would go to smoke, where they kept the rubbish. And lo and behold who was there but Lucas Jordon.

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