14_ Before The Ball

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Though the Ball was on Friday and Amber Milton literally had a checklist going over she had to do and had to have and had to look like I didn’t realise that I hadn't thought about any of these things until Thursday.

Ok, it had been Callum who reminded me. But I was still there.

He was laughing at me when I told him I wasn’t ready. I don’t know why, I mean Callum used to laugh at me all the time, but then it just seemed like fun. That Thursday it was a pisstake.

“What’s wrong with me not having a dress.” I huffed as we walked up the stairs to Callum’s room. His parents weren't home and Hayley wasn’t there, or she was avoiding us. I vote for the latter.

“You’re a girl, how can you not have a dress?”

I shrugged, “I just don’t.”

Callum pushed his door open and let me through first. “Don’t you at least have a skirt or something?”

“I have a school skirt.” I said.

Callum hit me, “Stupid.”

I pouted, “But you said I looked hot in it.”

“In case you haven't noticed I lie a lot.”

I punched him. He grabbed my arm, “I'm joking.” Callum pulled me up to him so my body was close to him. We were breathing the same air.

I would love to say that things had gotten awkward between Callum and I, that we couldn’t stand to be around each other because of the making out, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Callum and I had blossomed. Which at the time I considered a good thing, now I'm not so sure. There was Callum, and there was me. We were two peas in a pod. We were meant to be best friends. And no amount of fizzle in my body while he held me close to him would change that.

None at all.

I had to keep on reminding myself not to be too liberal when I was alone with him, but most of the time it was the same. Most of the time we would just be. Just like before.

Most of the time.

That was not one of the times.

Callum’s lips crashed onto mine and after a moment of What-The-Hell my mouth remembered Callum and kissed him back. My hands took their normal position clinging to him neck, whilst he held my waist or would sometimes rest his hands on my hips.

Obviously, there was something very wrong with us. One minute we were talking about how I looked in a skirt and the next we were swapping spit.

Then again, we were teenagers; of course there was something wrong with us.

Callum pulled away from me and smiled against my lips. I was too busy swallowing down the urge to mould us together again. “We’ll buy a dress for you.” He said, huskily.

I frowned, “I’ll just wear one of Hayley’s.”

Callum pulled away from me completely and held me at arm’s length. “No way. You’re not wearing one of my little sister’s dresses.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s just wrong, that’s why.”

“I fail to see why it’s wrong.”

Callum jumped onto his bed and reached up to get his piggy bank (even though his one was in the shape of a frog), “We’re buying you a new dress.” Callum told me. He then opened the bottom of his little frog bank and started taking out notes.

“What are you doing?” I exclaimed.

“What does it look like I'm doing?” Callum asked dryly.

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