13_ Procrastinating

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I'm sitting here thinking about what to write. Because there’s a lot, there’s so much that I'm scared that I'm going to miss something important.

Have you noticed in books the author only writes relevant information? Everything in the book is there for a reason. Like two characters having fun together, to show that they’re friends and have you become emotionally attached to them; or having a sex scene, to make you feel as though you’re in on the romance as well. There’s always reason for something, even if it feels like the most irrelevant piece of twaddle it all comes together at the end. (Well, in good books anyway).

That’s what I want. I want to write things that link together magically but I can’t because I'm not sure what does fit together and I don’t want to bore you to death by writing about everything I did that year.

So I'm left with this: do I keep writing everything or skim.

I skim, right?

That’s what I do, because I can’t bear to keep on writing like this, like I'm still there because whenever I open my eyes I'm still in this place. Isn't it messed up that my memories, my horrifying twisted memories, are my only release?

I can’t keep on procrastinating, I need to continue.

So here we go, The Girls’ Choice Ball.


Yes, I know, I'm procrastinating in a chapter about procrastination (how ironic) but you know I've been kind of busy with GCSEs and stuff.... anywho I thought this was as good a time as any to introduce myself. 

Hi, I'm new to wattpad and this is my first story, so I will not be revealing my secret identity- Mwahahahaha.

Anyway, what do you think of the book, how's it going? What do you think will happen next? Are you on team Luke or team Callum? 

I need answers people, pretty please :'(

I'll update soon since this chapter is just a filler.

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