20_ All Correct

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“What’s up with you?” Callum asked.

My butt was numb, I was cold and I’d be crying for some inane reason. Nothing was up for me.

The swing wobbled a bit as Callum sat down next to me, his body heat seeking me and pulling me in next to him. My head flopped down on his shoulder.

“Are you one of those people that get really depressed when their boyfriend leaves or something?”

“No!” I yelled sitting up and glaring at Callum, I then slumped back in my seat and mumbled, “He’s not my boyfriend.”

We sat in silence for a while. Well not real silence. The world still spun, the wind still roared, the night still sung. Things happened in my house, just as things happened in Callum’s house, just as things happened everywhere else in the world, I suppose. So not silence. Callum and I sat in noise, we were the silent ones.

Until Callum said, “You can keep that.”

I looked up at him, “What?”

“My jumper. Your snot and tears are all over it, I don’t want it anymore.”

“You're so good to me.” I said dryly.

Callum wrapped an arm around my shoulder, hugging me to him, “Don’t you ever forget it.”

I struggled to get out of his hands but that just caused him to hold me closer. This continued until we were having a full on fight on the swing.

Note to self: do not have fights on swings.

Callum and I fell on the ground. Of course I was the one who fell first getting to feel the heftiness of Callum not only once that day, but twice.

I groaned in pain, just because I couldn’t make any other noise.

“Shit, Toni, are you ok?”

“No.” I whined.

Callum scrambled off of me and cradled my head in his lap. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

But he was cut off by my laughter. The look on Callum’s face when he was worried was something to behold.

I knew he wanted to be irritated, I could see it in his eyes, but he just smiled at me and shook his head. “You scared me half to death.”

“You crushed me half to death.” I countered. “You really need to go on a diet, C-man.”

Callum winced, “You need to stop calling me that.”

I sat up so I could be level with him, “But I like that name.”

“Well I don’t like that name.”

“You're the one that came up with it.” I told him.

“And it’s haunted me every day since.” He said forebodingly.

I laughed, basking in the memory, “You remember, right?” Of course he remembered, I didn’t have to look to know he was nodding. “You decided that you wanted to be a superhero and called yourself C-man.” I jumped up and got into the superhero pose, you know the one. “C-man: the masked avenger. Fighting crime, saving the innocent and…” I smirked at him, “Making babies as he is the male reproductive fluid, containing spermatozoa in suspension.” I then started to run around with my arms stretched out ahead of me singing, “Na na na na na na na na na na na na na… C-man!”  This caused Callum to chase after me.

He must have slowed down for me since I was able to hum along to the Superman theme and change the words of Spiderman to suit his character before he caught me. He had to tackle me to the ground and cover my mouth before I stopped singing, however. I was not one to go down without a fight.

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