"Oh, this is going to be so fun! A family movie night!" Trouble sings out loud.

I love that all it takes is for all us in the same room doing anything and nothing to get Trouble in a fucking fantastic mood.

I think she has stolen my heart already, even when I told myself a long time ago that relationships always leads to heartbreak. Now I'm wondering if I should tell her or not because I know that my other brothers also feels something for her. I know I'm fucking awesome, but I also know that the others have things they can offer her that I can't.

"Meanie, now you disappeared again. Please stay here with me; the others just parked their cars. Let get this show on the road." She says and looks around her, and when she sees that we are alone she gives me a chaste kiss.

Mhm, shit. I'm lost!

Norths POV

Fuck, how did we end up like this? Sitting all around Nates living room watching sappy movies? Well I know who made us do this, and it's not Sang, it's fucking Gabe. Sang would have been happy with any kind of movie. But no!

No, I have now sat through Love Letters to someone, watching Sang, and some of the guys, get teary eyed when it ended happily. Who knew they would get together in the end? Well ME! Everyone knows this!

Dirty Dancing is soon finished and I'm glad! What a waste of time, even though the dancing is pretty cool. I have to let Gabe teach me how to dance like that with Sang. Not the grinding on each other part, but the last dance they did at the end, where Patrick says to her dad 'No one puts Baby in a corner'! Hah, that part - I loved! Finally someone looking after her! That's probably something I would have said for Sang Baby actually.

Almost all of the candy is eaten, and I am glad I at least got some apples and carrots in the bowls. I have to show them that vegetables can be just as good, and probably show them to make some kind of dip they can eat with it. But one positive thing about all the candy that is gone is that Sang is still awake. Normally she falls asleep after five minutes, but she has now managed two movies, that's a record!

"Now Trouble, are you ready for the last one? Grease is one GOOD movie." Gabe tells her, and Sang nods.

"I was born ready Meanie. That is, do you guys mind or do you want to maybe watch a action movie?"

She has not learned! We will always do what she want's, no matter how boring it might be. We would give her anything she wants, just to keep a smile on her face.

I remember the first days when we found her and discovered about her whole family. It disgusts me knowing about everything she has been through. That her own sister was in on it, and probably made more trouble for her than anything else. But luckily Kota saw Rocky harassing her, Silas intervened and we kept an eye on her.

What if we hadn't seen that, what would have happened to her?

I walk over to her and lift her up and into my arms before sitting down again with her in my lap. My arms automatically go around her and I squeeze here tight to me, resting my chin on her head.

"Relax, North Star. I'm here and couldn't have had it any better with you in my life, as my friends!" she says, reading me like an open book. No one else has managed that, beside Mr.Blackbourne.

Her words do two things with me, they make me relax knowing she is safe with us and that I will never let her leave. And she makes my heart almost jump out of my chest, telling her how I really feel. I love her! I love her so much, and it helps me knowing one of my brother is always around her, keeping her close and safe, when I'm gone on Academy business.

"North Star, relax! Do not think so much, just relax and watch this movie."

I have been thinking so long that I have missed the start of the movie, and now I don't understand why that girl with purple hair is singing with that old dude. What? How is that relevant to the movie? I thought it was about Sandra and Danny, neither of them had purple hair on the cover. Huh!

After some time the movie is over and I have to say, DAMN that Sandra Dee changed to smoking HOT when she had on that leather suit with those red lips and fuck me pumps. And that Danny dude was pretty much drooling all over her, when they danced to the song 'You're the one that I want'. Who knew that ladies would change so much just to be with a guy like Danny, a typical bad guy? Not me, that's for sure.

"Come on Sang Baby, let's go to bed."

Half an hour later we all are lying on the beds with the lights out.

"Ok, guys. You can just call me fucking genius right now!" Gabe announces.

"What have you done Gabe?" Luke asks him.

"You will have to see tomorrow, but I now know what North is wearing for his Halloween costume."

"As long as I don't have to wear tights and pretend to be one of the characters from Romeo and Juliet, I'm in." I grunt out.

That made Sang giggle, and soon every one of us was laughing with her.

"No need to worry North, I don't think any of would like to see you in tights, especially around Sang."

"Well, good to know. But let's go to sleep now, it's an eventful day tomorrow and Pookie need to rest. Good night everyone." Doc states, earning a good night from everyone.

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