Chapter 12

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Today is the last night before Zayn has to go on tour for six months, it sucks, i dont want them to! Yesenia and I and Alexandra are moving back in each other, Michael and Yesenia broke up last week. & She is pregnant, and she needs all the help she can get, and Alexandra had Maria so she knows about being pregnant, and what not and that is what best friends are for, for being there for you when you need it and shit.

Zayn and I was gonna go out to dinner then come home and watch movies and make some love, so yeah that our last night with each other for a while.

I really dont want him to leave, im learning a lot from him, its amazing, i love being with him, he loves being with me, only if we been together three weeks. I really do like him, and i cant say love because i dont, im still getting to know him, i learn a little each day about him. Im pretty sure that he doesn't love me, but i know he likes me and how much he cares about me, and i do the same.


We was getting ready to go out to this really fancy place. So he told me to dress up nice, like i dont dress up nice. I was wearing a white tight dress that goes to my high tights and the sleeves goes to my elbows. I put on some white high heels, and light make up and straighten my hair and i was ready. Zayn wore this plan white t-shit with a black vase and black pants and his hair up and have a flower for me, and had his black hat on, he look so handsome!

"Wow babe you look beautiful, really beautiful." Zayn said to me as i came down stairs of his house.

"Thanks babe, you look handsome as your self to!" I tell Zayn then kissing his check.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah lets go."

So we left and arrive at the restraint only ten minutes later, the car was fine Zayn and I had small talk,.

Zayn park the car and got out really fast and ran to my door to open the door for me, aw sweetheart. We walk in and we had our own little privet area to eat, and it was just prefect, it was outside on a roof it had lights all around it, it was really beautiful and it wasn't windy, it wasn't cold, wasn't to hot, it was prefect.  You can see the moon and the lake, it was really beautiful. I love it, we had a really nice lady take our order, it was nice for once when someone check out your man or lady. She was about my age but i bet she had a boy friend or something, she was pregnant, and she was really nice and sweet. Zayn and I was eating and just having small chat it was really nice, i love it, best night ever, in a while at least. When it was desert we shared a big cookie yumm. Then we pay the pill, and left, We gave that girl a ten dollar tip, and told her to keep it to her self, she needs it and she was really please with it, and so was we.

We gotten into the car and turn on the radio and this song was on Irresistible ❤ By One Direction, Zayn sang it to me, it was really great, his voice was such a turn on!

The song ended and he gave me a kiss on the forehead, and threw his arm around my waist and i put my head on his shoulder and his other hand stay on the steerwheel. (idk how to spell it) We finally gotten to his house and went into his bedroom and made out, and then he started to undress his self and soon enough he was only in his boxers and he started to make love bits on my neck and then took off my dress and i took off his boxers and it was from there.


I woke up in the middle of the night fucking cold as hell I put on my pink tight tank top, and his big shirt that i found in the closet, it was Black, White, Red, Gray button up shirt that was really big on me.  I threw up my hair in a ponytail. and Went back to bed, i put on some underwear, and my bra of course, but that's it. Right when i layed back into bed Zayn woke up.

"Where did you go baby?" Zayn ask me in his sexy morning / tired voice.

"Just to get something one. its effing cold in here!" I said with a giggle Zayn also giggle a little bit before putting his arm around me and fall sleep.



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