Chapter 23 ✌☀ ❤ ✨ ⚓ ♡

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So i got surgery Monday and i cant go anywhere for a couple of weeks.. which sucks!!!!! Because one direction concert is next week! :(

Niall POV✌☀

So today is Alexandra big day at the court house and its also our anniversary, last night i took her out on a Romaic dinner, for the pre- anniversary but tonight imma set up a nice dinner for us to for our 4 year anniversary its gonna be on a sun set very fancy (Not what you say in England of what you like or want but like sharp and stuff) Its gonna be on a boat. She be home at 5 tonight, i hope.. i really do, im not gonna be here when she gets home but imma have her get into the dress she gonna be in, long baby blue its gets light to dark. light at the top and dark at the end. Its cut open on the left leg, and tan high heels and her strapless bra, and her underwear everything out, her make up, and her hair is gonna be done by someone i pay for it in the room. The sun set doesn't go down until like 8 so its all good. But she needs to hurry than and get ready, someone is gonna do her make up as well, and she gonna have someone drive her to the beach when theres gonna be me in my handsome tux. Than i have her favorite blue, and white roses and a teddy bear that has our date on and that says i love you to the moon and back a billion times. Because thats our thing we say together. So cheesy i know but guess what? I dont care. When we are on the beautiful nice boat we are gonna eat, and have a dance and she gonna open the gift i got her. She doesn't have to give me anything, because just having her and my children (unborn & Maria) is my gift and thats enough.

Any who she not up yet because its still 5, and im up. I cant sleep im just so excited.. I kiss her on the head, and ask for someone to bring her favorite breakfast up French toast, with a bowl of strawberries that will fill her up, and a beautiful pink rose in a tiny vase, and apple juice and a card that tell her how much i love her that imma go get right now, if she wakes up in the time being dont think she is because she doesn't have to be up until 7. So yeah but if she does just tell her that im eating breakfast or something. Imma make her think that just cause gonna be a surprise for her, im so excited.

I walk out to go get the card and luckily they were open. Good.  So i wrote how much i love her and everything and after that my hand hurt like a bitch!

I went back up the room and she didn't wake up thank god, I crawl back in bed and kissed her and she made a smile back on her face that was cute. Its now 6:10

 I still cant sleep so imma go wake up Angie & Zayn! Tehe

Angie POV ⚓

I was dead asleep and my stupid soon to be brother-in-law decide to wake me up, does he have to? I mean their baby girl doesn't have to go to school today or tomorrow.. or the next day but oh yeah Alice does but she doesn't have to either i dont really want to be up at the crack of don. I love those kids i really do, but i also love my sleep. This Irish nigga!

When he called me i was having a nice dream and he woke me up! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. I told him what happen and he was kinda upset but got over it. So  yeah.

I soon fall asleep again, i need my sleep and its like 6 in the morning honey boo boo.


Its about 10 o'clock now and i just got up, i went to go check on the girls, there not here, i didn't even realize Zayn isn't here either... where are they?!

Oh well i walk into Yesenia guest room that she is staying at.. and saw Harry only in his boxers walking around the bedroom The door was crack.

I knock on it and Harry turns around and comes to the door.

"Oh hey!"

"Hey, where are the girls and Zayn?"

"Breakfast... they didn't want to wake you so yeah and they left like a hour ago."

❤ Having a Family with Niall Horan ♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя