Chapter 9

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Yesenia Pov

I woke up of Michael skating me and yelling my name, was there a fire..? Shit i hope not, i do not want to get up, im so tired, and my body is score, and ive been nothing but sick, what the fuck is wrong with me? Today is the day that me, Angie, Alexandra, and Maria all have a girls day, because we haven't had one day together since, we got here, and we been here for six days now, i think, i haven't been counting (That true idk how long its been.) anyways, but i feel like shit, but i have and want to do this, imam suck it up and go out with my main girls! (if you don't know what the means its means like they are my best friends or something, i cant really explain it... kinda hard, just ask people what it means k? K!) Im really excited tho, i hope this is well be a good day, shit everyday is a good day when we are together, haha i mean we are three pees in a pod ! Nothing can break us down, we have been best friends since 7 th graded, and we now we are in collage, our third year in collage! I love my twinys, and my niece Maria, i wouldn't imagine live without them! Anyways i kiss Michael and headed to go take a shower, i got my self ready and feeling the hot water on my skin felt so good, but i smelled somthing really good but it smell nasty at the same time, it made me wanna throw up IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SHOWER! I need to but i ran and throw up in the toilet, damn what the fuck is wrong with me, maybe its food poisting i dont know, i gotta go to the doctor when we get back home, i gonna find out what the fuck is wrong with me! I got ready to have a girls day out with my girls, i were light blue holy skinny jeans and a red see thu t shirt with a white tank top with my black falts, and put curl my hair, i dont wear makeup so i didnt put on any, just lip loss, and made my way down stairs to see my lovely boy friend making breakfast, but i wasnt hungry so i pass and kissed him and said goodbye, and grab my phone and some money and jammed it into my pocket.

"If you need me just call. Have fun with the boys!"

"Okay you to, and i will, have fun with the girls!"

"Alright see you later."

"See ya"

I colse the door and walk to Alexandra room, i knocked and waited a little while until finally Niall and Maria open the door, Maria crawed under him because he was in the way and she wanted to see who it was and she got up and ran to me and jump in my arms, she look so adoreable! She was wearing tackey pants brown boots, and a brown and pink and white flowely shirt, with her hair in a pontytail. Her momma knows how to dress her, and her self, hah.

"Hello love! Alex is in the shower real quick, you can make your self at home ill be in the kitchen cleaning up if you need me" Niall said while walking inside and letting me walk in after him and making me shut the door, as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey, and alright, imma just gonna go talk to Alexandra really quick."


Alexandra Pov

I was jammin out to Never say Never by the frey and that when i heard the bathroom door open, i left it unlock just in case Niall or Maria need me, I pop out my head to see who it was, and that when i saw Yesenia looking so fresh and all, she look cute! ( that when you know your best friends when you just walk in the bathroom while your best friend is taking a shower!)

Yesneia ; "Hey babe!"

Me ; "Hey girl, you look cute!"

Yesneia ; "Awww, thanks girly! & I need to talk to you about something really improant."

Me ; "Alright tell me it girl."

Yesenia ; "Not until you get out and get change please."

Me ; "Ugh, but im not done, i still gonna watch my body and stuff.."

Me ; "Then you can wait a little bit longer, so how was your night"

Me ; "It was good, how was your speical day with Michael.?"

Yesenia ; "It was amazing thanks for asking!"

Me ; "Yeah your welcome, okay so im done, so turn around so i can grab a towel please."

As i grabbed a towle i try off and i out my underwear and my light holy blue jeans on, it kinda like Yesenia but not really like hers, and then i got my bra one and i was getting my shirt on, that when Yesenia notice my new tattoo that i got two days before we came here, it was three big starts going up my spine, and for big starts on my hips, and back with kinda little lines going tho around it, and then little stars around it, heres a picture.

Niall thinks is very sexy that i have it, when we made love one night he couldnt keep his hands or eyes off of it, hey said it turn him on even more.. I have a few more tattoos i have fivve in all, i have one tattoo that was a start on my wirst me andn angie and yesenia land lexi got that together when we was 16. & a infinity sign with love running thru it on my other wirst on my inside one tho, a anker on my right hand right where your pink is but down right here you wirst is about to be, but like two inches highter and then i have promise on my pinky on my left, me and other best friend Lexi got that together when we was 16 years old, one of my first, i got that one and the anker and the infinity one on the same day.

"When did you get that sexy tattoo?! " Yesneia yelled

"Shhh girl! haha and like two days before we came here."

"Oh its sexy!"

"thanks love!"

As i put on my black cut uo shirt that was cu tup in the back so it showed a little of it, it had love written on it in darkish redish color, i got in mexico when i use to go with Yesenia family. I love that t shirt. Then i brush my teeth, did staingen my hair, and put on light make up, and put on my black and cheetah pinten Jordans on and grab my phone and Maria's little pincess backpack and grab my wallet and put it in there, and grab Maria, gave Niall a kiss and we said our goodbye and walk out ot go get Angie so the boys can get ready and go to hang out, ( BTW Niall can walk now he doing a lot better now, he doesnt use or want to use the wheel chair)

We was driving around for about 15 mintues then relieze we didnt know where the fuck we was going! We call Angie but she didnt answer ugh yeah thats her, so we called Niall and he gave us where the boys hotel rooms was, thank god for that because no one was picking up their damn phones!


We pulled up to othe hotel and ask for Liam, Zayn, Louise , Harry, they though we was fangirls, and gave him a deadly look that scrared the shit out of him, he was all that big either but he said im sorry ladys i cant give you that information, then i see the boys coming up from the beach, and i just called Lousie over telling the man that i know them, and im wasnt just some fangirl! He said yes, i was his sister in law, and this was his niece and his one of his besgt friends (Yesneia.) We walked with Louis and Liam they just got done surving ! (HOT) The others was in there room getting ready to go out, we grab angie she was were tight tacky skinny jeans with a longhorn jersey and some black toms, she look very cute!



❤ Having a Family with Niall Horan ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora