Chapter 39

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Alexandra POV

The kids are at school now, i drop them off and i went back home and went to my room, i put my head phones on, put on my music full blast, i took my wedding picture and stare at it, can we go back to that day? Best day ever. I was so happy, he was so happy. Everyone was happy. Why did he have to ruin that? I soon enough cry my self to sleep. I woke up with a big head ache. I had the a heart breaking dream. I dont really want to talk about it. I wash up my face and saw what time it was, time to get James from Tias.

I took the day off so i can have time for my self. I got ready to go pick up James and spend a little time with him until Maria gets out of school at 3:30. Imma help her with her homework and do my paper work as well then we are ognna go out to dinner whcih we really never do but i want to, they are my true loves that will never hurt me then we can go out for ice cream. I havent call or text Niall back in a few weeks, she hasnt text me lately either. I dont know what to do, to have your husband the person i love the most beside my kid and my family of couse well he is my family, we've been together for 14 years.How is he gonna go out and make out with some whore he just met. Ugh dont even think about him right now. Ef him, who needs him.







K I D S.

I drove to Angie house to pick him James up and i start to talk to Angie. I found out earlier today that im pregnant.

"What are you?"

"Yes, im three months."

"Niall knows this?"

"No and im really not going to tell him, or even want to tell him, all the more reason why he should stay and i dont want to be with him anymore, i dont think"

"Yes you do, you love him."

"Still he cheated on me."

"I know but he didnt mean it, he loves you and at least he didnt sleep with her! He just kiss her."

"Still he still fuckin cheating"

"I know and im fuckin sorry about that too, he should have done that, but he was drunk and at least he told you, he loves you alex dont forget that, and yall are married, thats your husband, baby daddy."

"What if Zayn cheated on you? How would you feel? After he shove his tough down some whore throat and your gonna be like oh thats okay hun i know you were drunk. No Angie. Thats fucking stupid just because he says she sorry doesnt mean shit to me, if he sorry then he going to prove it to me."

"Yeah you're right, he does and i understand that, i just dont want you guys not together, because i love you guys together and you guys are so happy and i dont want you with anyone else and i same with him, no one does, everyone wants you guys to be together."

"I know." I said she nodded she gave me a hug and i left with sleepy James in my arms. I drove home put him on his bed and went down stairs and my phone start to go off, ah great. So i look at the ID and it was Niall. I also saw i had 20 missed calls from him.

"What?" I answer him.

"Princess! Thank god! I miss your voice, i miss you so much and of course the kids as well. Just i want to see you"

"Oh Niall dont act like nothing happen. I dont want to talk to but i have to since we have kids. And i dont want to see you but i have to tell you something so when you get the chance Skype no get to Texas because i want to tell you this or i need to tell you this in preson."

❤ Having a Family with Niall Horan ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ