Chapter 16

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Niall POV

I glad this are back to normal with me and Alexandra. We are going on a date tonight im really excited to go out with her just us as a family, Alexandra and Mariah and I are going out tonight as a family, im really happy to call them my family.

"Daddy!!!!" Mariah says running into our room.

"Yes pumpkin?"

"Ready to go eat?"

"Not yet babe, we still have another a hour, your mummy is still in the shower."

"Oh okay!!!! i go play!" She says then runs off.

Alexandra then gets out of the shower and come in the room just wrapped in a towel. 

"Well hello there" I started a convo.

"Hi Niall, when are you gonna start getting ready for the date?" She says walking towards the closet.

"When you got out of the shower so i can take one to."

"Oh alright.. do i need to change Maria?"


"Wait.. you change Maria?"

"Yes, and i did her hair and she put her own shocks and shoes on by her self, she needs to stop growing up so fast! We should have a second child"

"I know she needs to but thats not gonna stop, and i dont know maybe.. i want another one, but i really want to adopted two... not at the same time.. i want like a 10 ten year old... ya know?"

"Oh yeah that be perfect. When do you want to start looking into that?"

"I dont know... dont you think we should get married and stuff before we start planning on anything?"

"Yeah i do, but im not telling you when im going to ask you.... since you already know what i was gonna do!"

"Oh im sorry i didn't know"

"Its okay love, we can talk about it later okay?" I said putting my hands on her hips.. and kissing her.

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WHAT ARE YOU DOING DADDY?" I hear Maria say with a giggle.

"What am i doing?" I ask her getting to her size.

"Yes! What are you doing to mommy?" She ask worriedly.

"Daddy is checking if i had anything in my teeth.." I said im not gonna tell my four year old daughter that Niall and I was just sucking on each other faces.  

"Oh okay.." She said then dance off to her play room.

"Well imma take a shower." I say that walk in the bathroom.


After i took a shower and got dress into a white under shirt and black over it that was kinda role up a little and some dark blue jean pants and white high tops.  After i got ready, i walk down stairs to where my family was. Maria was coloring on her little pink table and Alexandra was just cleaning up a bit.

"Ready?" I ask.

Alexandra looked up and smiled. "Yes"

"You both look very beautiful!"

"Thanks daddy!!" Maria said getting her little princess backpack.

"Thanks love" Alexandra said putting the last few things away.

❤ Having a Family with Niall Horan ♡Where stories live. Discover now