Chapter 35

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Alexandra POV

After the concert Niall and I and the kids went back home and hang out, He swimming with the kids right now, I just got done cleaning the kitchen and putting dinner away, i was jamming out to my music, i love listing to music, cant go a day without music. I just got done cleaning the dishes that didnt fit in the dish washer.

I was bending down picking up the toys that were every where because of James loves making a messed. I felt a pair of arms go around my waist. I turn around and saw Niall smiling, i took of my headphones.

"What are you doing baby?"


"That's why you didn't want to come swimming with us?"

"Yeah" I said.

"Whats wrong?"


"Yeah there is"

"No there's not"

"Okay fine dont tell me whats wrong, but tell me why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?"

"I was cleaning the dishes and i didn't want to lose it in the water" Like last time i lost my wedding ring in the drain, we had to call a person to come and get it from the drain. Never been more sad, it took about a week for them to come and get it.

"Good excuse" He said and let go of me and walked off. I just rolled my eyes, and finish up and went to get my wedding room from the kitchen. I didn't put in back on because i still had to wash my hands, but i wanted to clean up the living room so when they come in they wont hurt them self. I finish the living room and wash my hands and dry them, and than put my wedding ring on. I turn off of the light and went into Maria's room.

"Hey mom"

"Hey cutie. Ready for your shower?"

"Yeah, but im to short to get a towel."

"Ill get ya one."

"You find your ring momma?"

"Yeah, Remember that man came and fix the drain and found it?"

"Yeah, i do. He ask where dada was and i told him he wasn't here at the moment."

"Yeah haha, now get in the shower love and you can get ice cream and watch a movie with me and James how about that?"

"Yeah, and Daddy?"

"If he wants babe."

"Okay." I got her a towel and gave it to her, we talked into the bathroom and she took a shower, i walk into James room and found him asleep in his pjs. I gave him a kiss. and left his room. I went to my room and found Niall in the shower. I turn on the iHome thing on and put in the music and the song 'Because you loved me' came on, i haven't heard this song in a long time. What a good song. I was getting unchanged since i already took a shower this morning i dont need another one. When i got the big shirt that i sleep in and the shorts i wanted to sleep into tonight, i brush my hair, and got ready for bed since it was already 9:30, Maria doesn't have school tomorrow so she can stay up, and plus we are going to watch a movie.

The song was half way thru done when the bathroom door was open, i didn't really care either. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth.

"Are you not talking to me or something?" Niall ask me lending against the doorframe.


"No your not talking to me? Or No you are talking to me"

"No i am talking to you, your the one that mad at me." I got done brushing my teeth and Maria came in the room.

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