Chapter 11

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~Alexandra Pov~

Maria is felling a lot better, she slept it off, i gave her some meds, and what not to make her feel better, i hate to see my baby sick.

"Mommy Mommy!!!!!" Maria yelled at the top of her lung, we went to the doctors just said she had a high fever.

"OH. MY. GOD." Niall said sitting up

"What, what, what baby girl?"

"I feel better!"

"That's good baby girl, but its also 3 in the morning, go back to sleep, okay and we can have your favorites for breakfast when we wake up okay babe?" Niall said picking her up and putting her on his side.

"Wait no cuddled for momma?"

"Yes of course cuddles for mummy!" Niall said pulling me in closer.

"Yay family cuddle!!" Maria said getting between us.

"Niall! Not while she in bed with us."

"Sorry babe." Niall said then taking his hand to my stomach.

"Hey Maria, would you want a baby sister or brother?" Niall asks.

"Brother!" She said in cute baby voice.

"What no, we didn't agree on having any more kids. I though we was going to sleep?" I tell them

"Yeah well i cant sleep anymore, and yes i know, im just asking Maria if she wants to be a big sister."

"Yeshhhh i want to be a bigger sister mommy!!! Am i going to have a baby brother? OR sister!?"

"Baby, im not pregnant."

"Whats pregnant?"

"Is where you have a baby inside you"


"Yes love"

"Was me inside you?" Like that makes since?

"Yes baby"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes of course, more then anything why babe?"


"Uhm.....because you were to small and you taste like ice cream!"

"Really i taste like ice cream?!"

"Uhm yeah sure.."


"Okay babe, lets go to sleep now."

"Ok mommy!!"


I woke up next morning with SpongeBob playing really loud. I looked over to see no one in bed with me.

"Come on Maria, we have to wake up mama form breakfast!"

"Ok dadda!"

"Count on three. one....two...three...."

"Momma!!!! WAKE UP! ITS TIME TO GET UP, TIME TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Maria yelled really loud

"Babe time to get up! Get up sleepy head! Its 10:45, wake up baby!"

"Im up, im up!"

"Yayyy! Food time!"

"Well good morning beautiful"

"Daddy said the same thing to me to!"

"Oh he did!?"

"Yes, and gave me a kiss on the noise! Hah mommy doesn't get a kiss!" Maria said sticking her little tough at me!

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