Chapter 18

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- Maria POV -

"I want my mommy!!!" I yelled. i have no idea where i am all i want to is go to my mommy, and daddy. I miss them so much! But the person who toke me said that they dont love me anymore, or never did. I just cry and cry and cry i know my mommy loves me! She has to or she go to jail if she didn't right? That my fwiends says.  I miss home so much. I want my mommy for gosh sakes! The people are mean to me, there are a man and a women, i never meant them before im here by me self half the time lock in this room. there is not much to do. Once they left their phone here and i called my mommy. She made me remember her number just in case of anything so that is a good thing. I was so happy to talk to, but i got in lots of trouble for calling her, my back hurts a lot, i hope my mommy comes and gets me. I really do miss her.

Daddy said he wont nothing bad happen to me! He broke his promise! I get hurt everyday if they come home late, they smell to.. im only 4 and i can take a bath by my self, not really but i just jump in the shower... or bath they wash me two times the whole time i was here.

I want to go home. I know we aren't home because its always cold and wet over here, its not like home where its warm, and sunny im a lot happier with my mommy and daddy then this people! Why did they take me?

What did i do?

How did i even got here?

When did i get here?

I dont know anything.

I WANT MY MOMMY BACK NOW! i cryed my self to sleep every night. I cry a lot now, and if they hear them they hurt me.. are you body suppose to hurt this bad?

They left again, and they forgot their phone here again, i dont know if i should call mommy again... Or not i dont want to get hurt again, but its been a few days since i last heard my mommy voice, so maybe i should call her.. oh man there back...


They hurt me! They hurt me so much it hurt so bad, where is my mommy and daddy when you need them?

i have a biiiiiiigggggg yellow, and purple burse on my stomach now :( But they left and they didn't have their phone because its under the bed.

Niall POV

"Its okay babe, we will get her back" I say to Alexandra.

"Niall i feel something bad is happing right now. To my little angle."

"What kinda bad do you think that is?"

"I dont know... i can feel her hurt though... we just that close i can feel it.. & sometimes i dont know if im seeing or hear it but i can see her sometimes crying in a black and pink room. I can her call out for me."

"Where do you think she is?" I said tears coming from my eyes.

"I dont know.. i just want to know where she is..."

"Me to babe."

"I feel so hope less"

"Yeah i get that feeling all the time, but we cant just sit here and do nothing.. we have to do something, maybe we should go see my mum and ask her what should we do."

"Niall your mom has me!"

"She wants to talk to you... she called me this morning.. i meant to tell you but uhm.. you was asleep and i didn't want to wake you."

"Ohhhhh, well i have work and i dont know if i can take time off... but ill ask when i go in today."

"Okay i get the tickets, just call me if you can."

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