Chapter 34

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Alexandra POV

"I told you im not going to the lame concert!"

"Come on, it he fun..."

"Fine, i go, but if i see Kayla there imma do some times that are illegal. Im a lawyer i know what im talking about."

"Yes i know but you need to take a break from work, you haven't seen your kids in two whole weeks because you been so busy with working.. so this be good for your kids and you."

"Every time i look at them i see their father."

"Yeah i know it hurts, but guess what? That how i felt for two years, so if i can do it, you can do it."

"Yeah i know but im married to him spend 7 years with him."

"Yeah i know that but you are a strong girl, come on, we have to leave right now to make it on time."

'Your right." So we all got ready to go to the concert pack a bag to spend the night at a hotel. We was driving there all the kids were a sleep beside Alice and Maria they were playing on mine and Angie Ipad.

"I haven't worn my wedding ring a whole month." I tell Angie.

"Wow really? Can i have it?" I just look at her like she crazy.

"I mean it fucking beautiful its a freakin rock!"

"Yeah i love this ring so much but sometimes i just want to..." I open the window and had it on the tip of my fingers.

"What the hell are you doing?" Angie ask me.

"I just want to throw it.."

"Well dont."

"Im not, i love this ring a lot, but it hurts."

"Yeah it does, but it will get better... yall need to talk"

"Yeah i know, but he stop trying so why should i try?"

"I dont know. but you need to sleep go to sleep."

So thats what i did. I went to sleep.

Niall POV

"What do you mean she coming?" I ask Lou.

"Well Angie is coming with her kids, Alexandra is in New York, she never showed up last night to be home."

"What if she in trouble? What if she hurt?"

"She okay,  we know that.. She said that she missed her plane and se been on one today or something like that."

'Oh okay well i ask Kayla to come anyway."

"Now why did you ask her?" Liam ask me.

"Because we are good friends."

"Oh yeah ruining your marriage is a good friend oh please tell me where i can get one?" Harry said.

"What do you mean my marriage is ruin? She didn't tell me it was ruin, we are just not talking."

"How did your mom and dad end up?"

It took me a while to figure that out.. my marriage isn't ruin right? Tell me im right.

"So your telling me that my marriage is ruin?"

"Yeah if you want to put it that way yeah"

"I dont want it ruin. i love her to much to."

"Well you should of though about it before you start having a thing with that Kayla chick." Harry said.

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