Chapter 21

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Niall POV

I woke up super early the next day, i dont know why either, its only 6, and Alexandra is still asleep on the other side of the bed, i rolled over to give her a good morning kiss but she kick me! & said "Dont touch me!" Well alrighty then! I try to kiss her again she kept moving all around in her asleep, she was hot and sweaty as well, "Honey wake up." I said tapping on her shoulder "Dont touch my baby!" She screams. "Alex wake up!" I said trying to wake her up and she push me off of the bed. and made a loud lump.

"Niall?" She said "Where did you go?"

"Down here!" I said getting off the floor, i lad there for a bit than got up.

"What were you doing down there?" She giggled.

"You push me!"

"I did not!"

"Yes you did!"

"Oh im sorry babe!"

"Its cool, what were you dreaming about?"

"I dont remember.... why?"

"You was yelling dont touch my baby, and dont touch me"

"Ohhhhhh, i dont remember..."

"Alright... since its early do you want to go on a walk? We have to be at the docs in a bit anyway.."

"Yes that be awesome, let me get change"

"Me to"

Than we got ready for a walk and soon enough we was out the door and walked all around town, there was this place that i never ever been before, and Alexandra showed me it she said that her mom and her and sister and brothers use to go here all the time, its where you can swim, and walk around its a huge park! You have to climb a lot, its like a mountain, i was scared because Alexandra could of fall but she told me there were trails you take then i felt a lot better but there was soooo many stairs like oh my god. I was so tired.

About a hour later we had to go home, and take a shower and get ready for the doctor, its Monday morning i know its MONDAY. But i was such in a great mood!

They other people are still asleep lazy asses Just kidding (:

Alexandra and i took a shower together, just a shower. Than we got dress to the doctor.

I can kinda see Alexandra baby bump when she naked... like if you look at her stomach for a long time you can see it.. Its so cute. I cant wait until she gets bigger and i can feel it kick, move, and all the other thing... watch it grow.. it is like my first child but it isn't... im super excited, im very glad i dont have to go on tour this year because im having a baby! But which sucks is that Alexandra still works, and i still do to and i have a lot of songs we have go the studio and interviews and all that but thats okay i guess, i wont being having the day with Alexandra because she be working two jobs! She doesn't need that while she pregnant... i dont want her stress out, maybe im stressing out?

We ate breakfast and than we left to the docs for just a check up, you know everything is good, we have to come back next month to check on the baby again everything was good glad to hear that. We came back home our friend was still asleep, Alexandra had to go to work today Awww :( I wanted to hang out with her, I think imma go to work with her, and let Alexandra mum watch the kids today.

"Can i please go with you?"

"No Niall, why do you want to be sick in a office all day anyway? Im not going to the bank, im going to the lawyer one. "

"Well i never been to that one! I can meet your boss, and i can help with anything and everything.."

"Okaay, but you have to wear a tux."

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